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FS9 and Ventrilo (voice coms) Server access

Posted: 23 May 2006, 13:50
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Guys

Just to whet your appetites, a friend of mine has a small dedicated server running FS9 and Ventrilo voice comms servers 24/7. He is running this on a spare PC which he has set up at his home in the U.S.A.

I have spoken to him and he is very happy for us to make use of it.

Once things are sorted and the dust has settled a bit, I will send the server details to you individually. For security reasons I do not wish to openly publish details and details passed to you shall remain confidential to you at all times.



Posted: 23 May 2006, 21:38
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Roger, Wilco, sounds like a plan
