DH89 Fuel Gauge

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Vc Ten
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DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Vc Ten »

Hi There :hello:
Started training flights on Dragon Rapide today and noticed that the fuel gauge selector wont work in the VC although seems ok in the 2d cockpit Also the model seems to use fuel from the port tank first before starting on the other tank, this causes nagging from the sim ( press ctrl x to refill ) Are these usual fsx issues or am I missing something
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by DaveB »

Hi Dale :)

There is a dedicated FSX model mate and this should work fine (check out our library). The FSX Rapide is one of the few (read 2) models I fly on the VA in FSX (the other being the payware Islander) and I've never had a problem with it. Are you using the v2 model (FS9) in FSX? I've recently dragged this over because it has all the VA paints but I've yet to fly it live.

EDIT: No, it's not an FS9 model in FSX issue as the FS9 v2 model works fine. I'll remove it and try the FSX version again :)
EDIT#2: I don't see anything wrong with the FSX gauge either mate. Move the mouse over it until it highlights (selector position 0) then flick your mouse wheel (or whichever method you use) ;)

DaveB B)smk
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Vc Ten
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Vc Ten »

Thanks for reply Dave
I am using the FSX version ( It tells me so in the readme file)
I have tried to grab on the fuel gauge switch in different places all to no avail. As I said the 2d works fine 8)
With regards to the fuel tanks If I start the sim up from scratch (DMs 1-11 in cold start state loads as default flight ) and then change the aircraft to DH89, when loaded the fueling is fine. If however I end flight (return to free flight screen) and just click "FLY" again, Then the aircraft performs as if the starboard tank is not switched on Fuel will be drawn by both engines from the port tank until its empty then both engines stop :worried: Whats going on here? I have a workaround by shutting the sim down at the end of each flight but it bugs me to do so
I run a custom install (Windows on C - FSX on D) but the installer seemed to do everything as it should and has not appeared to try to made an install on c :S
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by DaveB »

Hi Dale :)

I've seen this sort of thing happen very recently in FSX.. mainly because I've just started using it after all these years :lol: I was in the midst of preparing a report to the Flying Stations team to say their Buccanear did the same.. that is, ran dry on one side causing a fuel imbalance and/or eventual shutdown of one engine.

What I've found is that FSX is no less prone to chopping and changing aircraft than FS9 was. You can go SO far and all will be well. Go just a little bit further and it'll bite your @rse :-O You've done ok by selecting a flight with one of DM's models (DM tends to use standard code which ensures compatability) but I start both sims with a default aircraft.. in both cases, the Cessna. As I've already mentioned above, this doesn't guarantee what happens if you chop and change but at least the sim starts in a 'default' mode so your next choice of aircraft is pretty much guaranteed to work. I say this and I did, initially, have some difficulty finding the correct spot to make the Rapide fuel gauge work. I was seeing a hand with grabbing finger rather than a hand with pointy finger. I wish I could tell you why but I can't *-)

A lot of stuff that should work in FSX doesn't.. zoom is one.. especially if you have two monitors running. Suddenly, you can't zoom out and can't zoom in. I've found that clicking on the 'main' monitor screen resets this (plus and minus keys work again).. perhaps this is the root of the fuel gauge problem :dunno:

In essence.. you shouldn't have a problem with fuel on the Rapide anyway (I don't use the fuel gauge on VA flights). The FSX model burns pretty much the same as the FS9 model and as I've done most of the routes available, the data is there to show burn per route (VA Forum.. Crew Room/Stats) :) Check out the route there and see what the average burn is then go for that. You won't be far off.. unless you fly with the throttles fully open which you shouldn't be doing in the first place! ;)

DaveB B)smk
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Garry Russell »

You must load a default aircraft first or the Sim won't be reset to the correct base values :worried:

Having the One Eleven as the default flight could possibly cause problems with that aircraft *-)

Changing to the DH.89 straight from the One-Eleven is a definite no no :-O

If you do, you are applying one set of modified code over another set of modified code without resetting the data. :worried:

All the models here use non standard coding to a certain extent. :)


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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by DaveG »

The fuel system on the Rapide just uses stand FSX code, so should work fine, but FSX is a bit buggy in this respect. Always best to start a flight with a default aircraft then switch to your chosen aircraft. Switching between addons can sometimes cause issues.

For the fuel gauge selector in the Rapide VC you'll need to use the mouse wheel to scroll between settings.
Dave G.

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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Garry Russell »

Hi Dave


Something are OK but due to dubt I think always best to do anyways.. :)


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Vc Ten
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Vc Ten »

Well I have the explanation to one problem. To step the fuel gauge around a scroll mouse is needed, I use a trackball and it has no scroll facility Swapping the trackball for a mouse and voila ! I need to use the trackball cos of confined space on my sim The other problem has just deepened I changed my default flight to the cessna as recommended then when I load up the dh89 the fuel is drawn from one tank every time. Ive now changed back to DMs 1-11 as default as before and if I then load the 89 the fueling is ok Seriously thinking of reloading FSX as another crash today :worried:
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by DaveG »

*-) Curious. I'll have to delve into the configs and see what's going on.

The Rapide originally started life as a FS2002 model, with various upgrades to it's current state. The fuel system hasn't changed much (at all?) over that time, so it's possible there is a slight incompatibility problem with FSX which has gone unnoticed until now.

It's undergoing (another!) rebuild ATM, so I'll make sure things are working for that. I'll also add mouse clicks & dragging for the gauge switch.
Dave G.

Vc Ten
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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Post by Vc Ten »

Cheers Dave
Just completed flight back from Ronaldsway with no mishaps :excited:
Can live with most of the Idiosyncrasies of the models in the sim and now I have the handle on the gauge we are not so bad
Maybe get a trackball with a scroll wheel is such a beast exists
Will be doing a reinstall of the sim anyhow in a week or so. The C drive (ssd) is too small for win 7 to exist in its ever expanding world, so my first upgrade is looming. Will reinstall fsx at the same time and load up only the va models that I use
See how that goes
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