My wife told me.

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Re: My wife told me.

Post by Buggyman »

I think you nailed that good and proper. Well done, seconded and carried.

I was reading about a nurse who has been looking after COVID patients in ICU in an American hospital on the West coast; she told the story of a COVID denier being admitted and of him being very ill and near death at one point. As he was recovering she asked him if he had changed his mind on the 'hoax virus'? He stunned her by saying that he had NOT had COVID, just a seasonal flu made worse by him not taking enough vitamins! Words fail me, so long as this belief is held - what chance have we got?

I have been locked down (in?) for almost a year and am prepared to go on for another year if it helps in any way to beat the bug so we can get back to normal.

Stay safe folks.


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Re: My wife told me.

Post by TSR2 »

It’s very very real. But it’s also important to know that most of those who test positive won’t even know they’ve got it. The risk is the 25% (roughly) who don’t have the ability to fight it off without medical intervention overrun health services around the world. Therefore those in the at risk groups need to be especially careful. While others in low risk groups can be badly affected, their number is relatively small. Just as some of those in high risk groups can have it and be asymptotic. It’s also very important that people realise that none of the vaccines stop you getting or transmitting covid. They simply (for most people) boost your immune system in such a way that it can deal with it, without serious consequences.


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Re: My wife told me.

Post by blanston12 »

To be honest, I don't know what to do about it anymore. I live in the SF Bay area in California which was one of the first places in the United State to impose restrictions because of Covid and until last November it was working, infection rates in California were a quarter of what they were in places that were no imposing restrictions, but since then things have really gotten out of hand and California is now the worst in the nation.

Much of the fault I think is because since the rates were so low for so long many did not take the virus seriously and went along to there family gathering as usual, ignoring all the warnings and now we are paying the price.
Joe Cusick,

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

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