Creepy goings' on!!

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Nigel H-J
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Creepy goings' on!!

Post by Nigel H-J »

On duty last night and had a Police Officer with us in the control room for the whole shift, when I brought him up both the two fire doors near our control room were shut but on taking a break an hour later I noticed that one of the doors was open, no-one had left the room between the Officer arriving and me leaving all other fire doors were closed and security doors locked. Equally,no-one else had been onto our floor as the lift was still on our level.

About an hour later the Officer heard something in the corridor, I said I'll have a look thinking that he would follow after-all, he is a policeman!! No such muggins went bravely forth on his own!! :worried: ........... thankfully, nothing there.

There have been other times when on duty at night we have heard doors banging shut but on investigating nothing has ever been found, all windows are closed, all doors in the corridor are shut including the office doors so now, apart from a curious look, we tend to ignore such events.

Lincoln City Hall is built on the old Roman Wall and part of it is still standing, I have heard of one theory to these unexplained incidents and it is possibly that of a Roman Soldier still carrying out his guard duties.

Has any-one else experienced strange goings' on in their workplaces?
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Post by Garry Russell »

I have

Basically the door opening and then shutting in the middle of the night with no one else in the factory....not allowed nowadays but then quite common to work through the night on my own.

One particular night it did it and....well at least I thought it did but when you are busy you are only half aware of whats going on around you.

Then it happened a third time. I turned round and saw it close and the handle raise up......there was no one there.

I left quickly :worried:



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Post by jonesey2k »

A few times I've been sat there and have seen some reflection or heard something and have turned around 99.9% expecting somebody to be standing behind me and upon finding nobody there jumping about a mile into the air :lol:

I once grabbed an unlocked door handle and found it to be stuck... stuck as if it was being held with that little bit of give in it.... :shock:
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Post by migeater0 »

One of our helicopter techies was working late on the Squirrel, having completed his work, he locked the toolkit up and began to walk across the hanger towards the exit. In the light he saw a man standing there, in full WWII vintage flying kit! Thinking it was a pilot on a stag weekend (or such) he went to have a chat, when he just disappeared.

Spooky eh?
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Post by thehappyotter »

Our station is well reputed to be haunted.

It was built in the early 1800's and has seen many strange goings on. The funeral directors next door doesn't have a cellar so ours is boarded up from our end and the space below the parade room rented out to them for cold storage. When we sit and brief on in a morning there are many dead bodies feet below me. Nice.

There are two staircases, on was big and grand and the other small and normal. The large staircase is boarded up at the top and bottom and nobody has been inside for 70 years, a Sergeant is rumoured to have hung himself over the staircase in the 1930's so we all have to use the back staircase since then.

Some people, no matter how high ranked, totally refuse to be in the building alone because of all the strange noises, doors banging and creeking.

This obviously creates massive room for mischief which is always a good thing...

One female officer was one of those who refused to be in the station alone, she had little choice when it came to the end of duty to go upstairs and get changed. Little did she know one of my mates was hidden in the female locker room with a white sheet and I was up a ladder having found the fuse for the lights upstairs. I got serverely bollocked for that one.

Another popular trick on those who believe in ghosts is to leave the fire door open and tell them that you're off out before leaving and sneaking back upstairs on the fire escape. When you start stomping on the floor upstairs you can never count to more than 10 before they run out the back door and get in a car before speeding away. Hours of fun.

One night, about 5 in the morning, there was a constant bang bang noise coming from the offices upstairs. There was only 3 of us in and the probationer was swiftly sent upstairs to investigate. He came back 5 miniutes later as white as a sheet.

He just said that he couldn't believe what he'd just seen but wouldn't say what it was.

Me and my mate went upstairs as quietly as we could and the mystery was solved. No ghosts, just a Sergeant who didn't want to take his new lady friend home to the wife and was, err, in a strange position with her over a desk...

The incident has never been mentioned since but he is now the only person who outranks me who offers to make the tea whenever i'm in at the same time...

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Post by J_Eden »

Our workshop has got a bay especially for our tyre changing duties. One day in August last year I went upstairs at about 6.00pm to get a old case down for someone who just needed to get home. We keep our tyres at about a 2nd story level and need to throw them up and throw them down to get to them. I went to rummage through the old tyres and chucked them all to one side and in no particular order. I found one that looked ok and turned around to find all the tyres stacked in a neat order. Figuring someone else must've been helping out I thought nothing of it.

2 of us worked through till about 7 that night. We closed the doors and turned out all the lights apart from the upstairs light. I proceeded to give my workmate grief about being too much of a tidy bugger until he pointed out he was serving a customer at the same time.

Ever have one of those feelings that someones looking down on you? We looked up and saw a face poking out between two tyres in the racks. I don't think we've exited work so fast. Next day arrives and both of us get a bollocking for not turning off the compressor, and we tell our side. The managers face turned white (literally cloud white!). He tells us of a tyre technician who was inflating a truck tyre and it ended up blowing the ring off, leaving his body at one end of the workshop and head at the other.

Still a few strange things going on, like tools getting hidden and tyre levers getting swapped, but that was an interesting night!!

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Post by VEGAS »

My sister lives in a small village in the heart of rural Bridgewater.

Located in the centre of the village is an old church which dates back hundreds of years and has repeatidly been the subject of ghostly sightings and unexplained events.

Seeing as I have quite an avid interest in the paranormal and ghostly phenomena, I decided one night to take some pictures of the church and the grave yard.

Whilst I did'nt see or hear anything untoward that evening, when I came home and viewed the pictures, I saw these 'orb' like objects on the picture. 'Orb's' are supposed to be the early stages of a ghostly manefestation. I'm not entirely convinced by this shot to be honest but perhaps the photographers amongst us could explain these weird light shapes.

Although I must admit I got the feeling I was'nt alone whilst walking thorugh the grave yard. :shock:

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Post by Quixoticish »

Interesting thread. I'd love to hear more stories that people may wish to share if there are any.

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Post by Paul K »

All this is absolutely true.

There are three control towers at RAF Alconbury, dating from the 40s 50s and 80s respectively. Before flying ended there, the 40s one was used by the USAF security police as a general admin building, with a small museum upstairs.

For purposes of budget forecasting, all buildings were briefly surveyed every year to asses what future maintenance and improvements would be needed, and it was my job to to carry that out in the case of this particular building.

The first thing to do was ask the building occupants whether they had any problems to report ( leaking roof, poor central heating, that sort of thing ) and the female staff sergeant laughingly asked if I could get an exorcism arranged. Apparently, doors were being opened and closed, pictures were coming off walls, lights were going on and off. I looked at the picture and in no way could it have moved vertically up and over the four hooks on which it was mounted.

When I asked if anyone knew who the 'ghost' might be, the general consensus was a security police lieutenant who had shot himself in the building in the 1970s. They showed me the small lounge where it happened, and you could still see the gouge mark in the wall where the bullet had ended up.

Some years later, when the base was being wound down and buildings were being emptied and sealed up, it was our job to keep them in good condition until the site was taken back by the Ministry of Defence. This involved turning the power and water off, and locking all the doors and so on. I overheard a conversation between two colleagues where one was complaining that no matter what he did, someone was getting into a building, unlocking all the doors, turning the power back on. I walked in and asked them which building they were talking was the 40s control tower.

While some parts of Alconbury are still used ( the married quarters, commissary etc ) to support the intelligence centre at nearby Molesworth, the airfield itself is now deserted; all except for its forgotten ghost who will never go home.

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Post by John R »

'Orbs' :shock:

One of the lads at work has got a Fowler Steamroller, he is quite sure it is haunted, he goes so far as to say it has a 'guardian angel'
Over last winter he did a lot of work on the motion which necessitated lifting out the flywheel and crank. All was captured on camera, although I'm not sure if digital or wet film was used.

While the whole thing was suspended in mid air the photos show these 'orbs' everywhere! When the was flywheel and is safely on the ground the pictures show no more 'orbs'. After any work has been completed, he says the ghost appears to make sure all is well with 'his' engine.

Follow this link and in the pictures with the lift in progress you can see a few orbs about.


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