How Many....

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Michael davies
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Re: How Many....

Post by Michael davies »

ChrisHunt wrote:I run FSX exclusively and have done since the early days of FSX. I actually gave my copy of FS9 to my brother and I must admit I came to regret that decision prior to Acceleration (it was a long period of regret) but happy now.

Michael, UTX Europe is very good but a bit of a frame hog if not set up right - road traffic looks the biz but is a FR killer. You will find the local coast hereabouts much improved with improved landclass in addition to accurate rivers and a more accurate coastline. Of real interest though is the up coming release of Ground Environment X for Europe. Given the significant improvement this has made in the US, and with Europe even better, this will probably be one of the killer add-ons for FSX if most of your flying is in Europe. It is to be fully compatible with UTX and can live quite happily (if underneath) with photo scenery such as Generation-X. Hopefully the GEX for Europe will be released this year.

Chris, thanks for that info, I've never been a great fan of photo scenery to be honest, it some how always seems washed out, its probably very real but looks at odds with the rest of the 'rendered' enviroment, I had the same issue in train sim with photo real locos in a rendered enviroment, very nice loco but at odds with its enviroment, kinda like drinking Pims whilst wearing jeans and a rugger shirt :).

The UTX sounds just the ticket, though I might pass on the AI road traffic, whilst FSx runs ok, any form of AI tends to have a big impact here, so I tend to balance visuals with nice autogen and clouds even if every flight is solo, thats sadly where FS9 still wins, steady 40FPS at Heathrow with 30+ AI around. As good as FSx now runs I still keep going back to FS9, this fence sitting and sim hopping is getting to be a bit of a bind to be honest.

Let me get this right, theres GEX and Gen X ?, one is photo real and one isnt ?. Do either alter land class as well ?.



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Re: How Many....

Post by Tweek »

Just for the record, I took Rick's tip about locking at 20FPS (for a 60Hz monitor) on board, and I managed to bump up my settings a little, yet still staying with smooth gameplay... if not, smoother! A bit more autogen (with canopies installed now, thanks to TreeX) and light bloom, which I think looks fantastic in the right situations.

I'd give it a try, if you haven't! (20/30/60FPS for 60Hz, 25,50,75 for 75Hz, etc. The lowest number would be recommended for most).

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Michael davies
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Re: How Many....

Post by Michael davies »

Yup, tried that as well and locked at 20fps, didnt really make much of a difference, I think theres only so far one can go without upgrading, I've still to find this DX10 tick box ?, not that I need it at them moment LOL, but it would be nice to know where it is....just in case :).



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Re: How Many....

Post by Rick Piper »

Hi Michael

you won't have a DX-10 preview tickbox until you get SP2 installed correctly (thats if you install SP1 first then Sp2 ) or skip and just install Acceleration.

without SP2 or ACC there is no DX-10 preview box.


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Re: How Many....

Post by ChrisHunt »

Hi Michael,

GEX replaces default textures but does not alter landclass; UTX (among quite a few others does that - I use SceneryTech). GEX is not photoreal scenery but is rendered scenery giving an overall very much improved look to the sim. Generation X also replaces default textures but does not alter landclass but is photoreal scenery. The latest version of Generation X for FSX is very good indeed and is particularly good in hilly terrain (also comes with its own mesh).

I know what you mean about photoreal scenery looking at odds with the rest but GEX is good enough to make the transition less of a jolt. Anyway the place to go for more info on GEX (and others) is


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Michael davies
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Re: How Many....

Post by Michael davies »


I have SP1, SP2 and Accel all installed correctly, the rest of the sim works tickity boo but no DX10 tick box that I can see, I cant use it anyway but it'd be nice to know where it was, I'll look again later through all the menus to see if I missed something.



Addendum, ahh forget that, DX10 is Vista only :).

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Re: How Many....

Post by Tweek »

Michael davies wrote:Yup, tried that as well and locked at 20fps, didnt really make much of a difference, I think theres only so far one can go without upgrading, I've still to find this DX10 tick box ?, not that I need it at them moment LOL, but it would be nice to know where it is....just in case :).


I suppose it depends on what kind of performance you were getting before. It's reduced any stutters I was getting, and because I was achieving 25-30FPS before hand, I could effectively afford to lose 5-10FPS. Therefore, I could increase my display settings in various areas.

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Michael davies
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Re: How Many....

Post by Michael davies »

One thing I did notice is that with FPS locked at 20 rotors and props seem to spin much slower and the animation much more stunted and sometimes stuttery, setting to 30 makes them smooth again.

I dont really mind what FPS is the best so long as it doesnt stutter, that drives me insane, almost like its tripping over its self, I had that in CFS2 once, FPS in the 80-90s yet it still stuttered along even at sea, that odd jerky random stutter, at least FSx stutters at a regular rate.



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Re: How Many....

Post by Tweek »

Michael davies wrote:One thing I did notice is that with FPS locked at 20 rotors and props seem to spin much slower and the animation much more stunted and sometimes stuttery, setting to 30 makes them smooth again.
Well yes, if you're capable of achieving a constant 30, then that'd be better (on a 60Hz monitor, at least).

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Re: How Many....

Post by DogTailRed2 »

I'm one of those fortunate (unfortunate maybe) simmers who went from FS2000 to FSX so I've no idea what fs9 (is that fs2004??) was like. FSX was part of an upgrade for me so I've gone quad core, proper flight controls and track IR. With UK VFR Scenery and airports, two freeware aircraft and a few payware aircraft I've finally got enougth to keep my interest for a few years. I like FSX. It's stable. With quite high settings on the sliders and the right aircraft I get a minimum of 15fps rising to 30+ which is very smooth. Graphics are nice. Aircraft appear, to my untrained arms, to fly correctly. I fly VRF using a UK road atlas where possible. The only problem I have with FSX is a lack of aircraft. Maybe that's a good thing as i can learn those 'few' very well. I just wish someone would do a good merlin crackling Lancaster :-)

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