Address to Parliament

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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by Nigel H-J »

I had thought of that too Peter however, with it being local and European elections I will vote for a candidate who will stand up to Brussels and all that we have to pay into it!! :@

As for being the gravy train for the MEP's it will never stop, even the accountants have failed to give them a green light on their finances for the past god knows how many years. Just hope someone over there will have the guts to leak out all their expenses after-all we as tax payers have a right to know, it is our money they are fiddling!!

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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by DaveB »

I think it is a better way to express ones feelings than just not voting
I think that's a rather splendid idea Peter. If enough do it, it's sure to make the headlines and get a message back to those on the gravy train in Londinium ;-)


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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by Fodda »

Everyone should vote. Anyone not voting (in my eyes) automatically gives up the right to complain about the representative and government they get.

And for Peter, (also in my eyes) a spoiled ballot is a vote. The total number of spoiled ballots is read out by each returning officer and is recorded for posterirty. It is a legitimate show of discontent.

I'd like to see a "None of the above" box added to all ballot papers. And if that box received the most votes, the election in that ward should be rerun with different candidates... That's stir up the candidates and parties a bit!

Of course, compulsory voting as happens in Australia would be the best thing all round.

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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by DaveB »

An interesting thought that Gary.. 'None of the Above' ;-) How often is it that we go to the Polling Station.. look down the list of names.. and don't know any of them :dunno: Of course, the polsters are clever enough to put party logo's next to each name so you end up voting for someone you'd not recognise if you passed them in the street simply because he or she belongs to a particular party :o Such is democracy I suppose :)


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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by tonymadge »

Theives Liars murderers and lots more I cant think of...who am I talking about :-#
Oh and by the way, The Home Secretary wants to have the powers to read all your e-mails, well I can agree with ID cards and DNA off everyone but come on e-mails??? They already have the power in certain instances of national security etc but block mail censoring...I dont think so, however if you all CC Mrs Smith in to your e-mails you know all the chit chat ones etc she will have so many we may not see her again for a few years well until they get a decent govt in and the present lot are on their way to the gallows!
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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by simondix »

Mrs Smith, who by the way is my MP and Julie Kirkbride my neighbouring MP, would not have time to read them as she will be watching Videos.


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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by emfrat »

Fodda wrote: Of course, compulsory voting as happens in Australia would be the best thing all round.
We are not given an option to say "none of these". :@
At one time the rules said 'a candidate must receive a majority of the formal vote to be elected'. If you wrote on the ballot paper "None of these is suitable" that was an informal vote and didn't count... so if everybody did that, no candidate could be elected and they would have to keep producing new sets of wannabes until enough were acceptable.
A while back the rule was quietly changed to remove the reference to formal votes, but you still can't say "none of 'em".
The legal obligation is to attend a polling station and have your name crossed off the list. That had to be done to make the preferential voting system work. The trouble with that (PV) is you finish up with a winner that nobody really wanted, because the votes are split among so many.
"First-past-the-Post" combined with compulsory voting might be a goer, though - but the underlying problem is the "Westminster System" itself. It provides the only environment in which politicians can flourish. Time for something better.
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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by simondix »

What has to be addressed is Parliamentary Privilege. When I was in my former job in Westminster we could not prosecute MP's if they committed offences if they stated they were on there way to the house. That includes one whose name I cannot remember being as drunk as a skunk driving his car.

Sack the lot and fill it with independents.


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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by emfrat »

Cheers, Simon -
Here in Oz there is also a jealously-guarded collection of lurks and perks. You and I have to work for 40 years to get superannuation entitlements - the pollies only have to serve in three parliaments, which is a max of 12 years and could be as little as six momths or less. And those same pollies have decreed that we can't be trusted with more than $150k as a lump sum, but they can have $750k and get a lot of other freebies as well.
One of the Ancient Greeks said it all some 3000 years ago: "Those who actively seek power are the least fit to exercise it"
If there must be a Parliament, then make it like Jury service - that way you get a genuine cross-section of the real community - but Italy has had about 60 parliaments since WWII, and still functions as a nation, so do we really need a Gummint at all?
Sorry for the rant, but being denied the chance to vote for someone I do want unless I express some degree of preference for another candidate whom I don't even want on the same planet is a bit of a sore point with me...


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Re: Address to Parliament

Post by Jon.M »

As I've now been an ex-pat for 20 years I can no longer vote in British national elections. I don't think I'm going to miss it much. :roll:

I have finally got round to registering to vote in Italian elections for MEPs and local councils but don't like the look of any of them. They range from Radicals who want a United States of Europe on the basis that it's got to be better than the Italian national government (they've got a point :think: ) to old style commies and neo fascists.

Be careful before you throw out the shower you've got it really could be worse. Just so long as they now realise they work for you not the other way around. I heard Harriet Harperson saying that the public should calm down as the party leaders have met and decided on the necessary reforms. . . . . She just doesn't get it does she.


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