Client Induced Failures

Notices to Airmen. All pilots to check for updates on a regular basis.

Moderator: Guru's

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The Gurus
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Client Induced Failures

Post by RAF_Quantum »


If you experience a Client Induced Failure you will get a client message in your simulator.

To get the message you need to select the client option 'Display text in Flight Simulator'. If you have this selected and suffer a 'failure' but do
not get a message then it is not a client induced failure. If the client reports an engine failure, do not waste time trying to relight as it
will be impossible. If you have a pilot induced failure then try a relight when conditions allow.

Please note that the climb, cruise and descent messages are no longer reported by the client so on a normal flight you will just get taxi, take-off
and landed messages and of course any penalty messages you might incur.

