Calling up the GPS map

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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by Garry Russell »

:doh: asked which sim was it made for and I read it as which sim is he making it for :)

I'm doing confusing well today :lol: :hide:

Yep.......exact model and flavour and I'm sure someone here will be able to make a suggestion :)


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by boltie »


as you know I have FSX.

I used the AVRO Vulcan (B.Mk2 / B.Mk2A) by Kazunori Ito (designed for FS 2002/2004) and modified it with the Panel Download 558 on your website.

I had to add a lot of gauges, radios and an autopilot and I now have an aircraft which flies quite well and will perform an auto ILS. (although it over-banks on the autopilot if a large heading change is requested).

I installed Icons and windows for GPS, Avionics and Autopilot. The only problem is the GPS Icon. When I press that, the main panel disappears although the radio and autopilot displays, if selected, remain!!


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by DaveB »

Hiya John :hello:

I think I see what's happening now. I don't have the Kaz Ito Vulcan so without downloading it and knowing exactly what you've added thus far.. I'm shooting in the dark a bit but.. I think your problem lies with the GPS window and the Simicons button you're using or more to the point, the window address being called by the icon. Each Icon had an 'ident' in FS8 and as such, was linked with a panel/window of the same number. This changed slightly with FS9 and again with FSX meaning that the resource called for by an FS2002 Simicon may not be the same in FS2004 or in FSX.
Is the GPS you're trying to use a default FSX panel/gauge and likewise, is the Simicon you're using native to FSX??


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by boltie »

I think I tried it all ways Dave. I tried using the GPS simicon from the FSX Airbus 321 and I also tried using one from 2002/4 models which work fine.

The FSX button still seems be designed to call up the FS9 GPS.


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by DaveB »

Hi John..

Rgr that mate. I'll seek out Kaz's Vulcan now and try to add a GPS window. It might be something as trivial as the res/size of the original window against the default size of the FSX GPS window. We shall see.. I hope ;)

Grief.. what a monster that is 8) :lol: My first recommendation if you're keen on Vulcans is to buy the Iris payware model mate. I've only ever managed to start it once but it's a hell of a lot nicer to look at both inside and out ;)
OK.. I downloaded the model but didn't load the gauges as I don't really want gauges of that vintage kicking around in FSX. Have you tried using the shift+ combination to pull the AP and GPS windows up?? I think the original only comes with 3 windows anyway.. main view, GPS and AP. Shift+1 obviously removes the main window/panel, Shift+2 brings up the GPS and Shift+3 brings up the AP.. the latter two without removing the main panel. I know this isn't at 'tidy' as using icons but it certainly works on the default model (notwithstanding missing gauges).

Strewth.. EDIT#2 :lol:
John.. I've just added this to the panel and it brings the GPS up fine (while leaving the main panel in view)..
gauge27=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 573,252,26,26

Gawd.. EDIT#3 8)
Having made the above work, I've read your comments above again and see that you're using a panel mod from 'our' site.. not the one that comes with the model. As far as I'm aware John, we don't have a Vulcan panel or panel mod here. Are you talking CBF by any chance (ClassicBritishFiles). We're CBFS and are here.. CBF is not us and isn't here (though we're affiliated through our common interests) ;)


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by JimCooper »


Copy & Paste the contents of the Panel.cfg file here in a post and the we'll be able to see what's going on.



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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by boltie »

Brilliant Dave :)

I now used "Simicons" with my place settings instead of "Simicons 1024" and the panel comes up nicely; thanks. Why does the omission of 1024 make the difference?

By the way, I didn't know about SHIFT 1, 2 etc: that worked also but the screen got a bit confused after I got to SHIFT 9 and started going back again.

Sorry, it WAS CBF that I got the new panel from and it is very good. Have a look. Yes the original panel is a horror but the outside looks good and it flies quite well although the roll rate is too low.

Any thoughts on why it is overbanking if I demand a large heading change on the autopilot? (I used an Argosy SEP 2 Autopilot).


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by tgibson »

Dave, I think you hit the nail on the head - his modified panel probably doesn't have the ident= lines set correctly. He needs to sort those out.

Hope this helps,
Tom Gibson

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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by DaveB »

Hi John..

Glad that's got you sorted ;) Primarily, I think the difference between the two sets is the resolution of the bitmap plus one set uses a different index/ident.

Why does the Vulcan overbank at high heading changes..?
Well mate, you have a combination of things which can transpire to make this happen. The directional stability of the model can be too high making it fight the course change and ultimately go past it then.. appear that it's over-compensated as it struggles to achieve the heading. It will look like it's snaking from side to side as it comes 'on to' the heading but goes through it so turns in the opposite direction and does the same again. You mentioned the roll rate is particularly slow and the couple of ccts I did at Valley would confirm this. Fiddling with aircraft flight dynamics is a black art at best and you need the right tools to be able to do it with even a modicum of success. Small changes can make a hell of a big difference so before you attempt anything rash.. have a look at the usual sites to see if someone has had a go at updating the FD. If not.. get the tools you need and have a fiddle, making sure you keep the original safe ;)

Further edit before post..
Rgr that Tom ;)


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Re: Calling up the GPS map

Post by boltie »

Dave, tell me about the "ident=" settings; what are they for and how do I ensure they are correct.


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