FS2004 / FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra - No VC Version (Category: FS2004 > Props)
FS9 / FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra - No VC Version. I decided to share my work as it is because finishing the version with VC will take a few months and I don't have time to do it by now. Includes sound: Mr. Ozawa, Mr. William Schulz, of the Cielo Company, Panel: Paul Strogen. By Libardo Guzman.
Not many simulations of the L-188 ELECTRA exist for FS and among those that do Libardo´s is "the most recent" having been released during 2015 .... but .... it also seems to be the lesser known among these representations too.
"One of" the first notable L-188 simulations was that released by Chris BUFF .... back in the FS2000 days .... and which ported over to FS2002, and FS2004, albeit with some minor display issues .... as I recall.
This version was then followed by the JC LUCARINY simulation for FS2004 and FSX .... and not long afterward by the KBT release for FSX only and which followed their earlier P3 ORION simulation for FS2004 and FSX.
Whilst both LuCARINY and KBT simulations of the L-188 ELECTRA are better known, I, personally, have always felt these FS2004 and FSX specific models (whilst they "are" very good) didn´t quite correctly capture/best represent the upper trailing edge tail shape which is unique to the silhouette of both the L-188 and P3 ORION, and tended to result in a much "too VISCOUNT-looking" tail appearance for my own satisfaction.
Therefore .... and IMHO .... the more recent L-188 ELECTRA simulation by Libardo GUZMAN seems to better/more authentically represent the overall shape of the classic L-188 turboprop airframe .... as I hope the following imagery may testify ....
TASMAN EMPIRE AIRWAYS LTD (early 1960´s) .... otherwise affectionately regarded by Australians (during the late 1950´s) as "TAKE ELECTRA´s AND LIKE IT"
AIR NEW ZEALAND (late 1960´s)
Libardo´s L-188 ELECTRA simulation comes with both a panel (by Paul STROGEN), and ALLISON turboprop soundpack (by Yuji OZAWA an Bill SCHUTZ .... from the FS98/FS2000 days) .... HOWEVER .... I chose to discard both of these supplied files in favour of another, yet unreleased (and I feel superior) ALLISON turboprop soundpack which I´ve been "fiddling with" for a wee while now. These big turboprop engines (which also power C-130 HERCULES, CV-580, and P3 ORION aircraft) run at a constant 100% RPM .... with power being applied per propeller pitch adjustment/s .... and have "a unique audio signature" within the aviation and one which, I feel, this other "slowly developing" soundpack better represents. Likewise and in regard to the supplied the panel too .... I´ve replaced the one which accompanies this simulation with the following 4 (better IMHO) panel options and which I´m still currently evaluating (my own preferences tend toward the first 3 of the 4 panels illustrated below) .... again as both time and opportunity permit ....
L-188/P3 TYPE PANEL .... KBT V1
L-188/P3 TYPE PANEL .... KBT V2
The FDE which accompanies Libardo´s L-188 simulation isn´t too bad, but, I´ve not been able to resist the temptation to want to "tweak certain parameters of it" .... here´n´there .... and with so far-so good results
Not many textures currently exist for Libardo´s L-188 ELECTRA simulation .... barring the couple which accompany this SIMVIATION.COM hosted package .... along with a few other HD texture options for it roo and which have been "very recently" released (both the TEAL and AIR NEW ZEALAND versions of these new HD textures (aircraft I knew quite well) do bear a few errors among them though, but, are otherwise "VERY ACCEPTABLE") at FLIGHTSIM.COM.
Libardo GUZMAN´s L-188 ELECTRS is a "VERY NICE" simulation .... I feel .... and is further improved by the alternative audio and panel options I´ve mentioned above .... along with FDE tweaks I´ve also so far employed .... and one which I´m very happy recommending to anyone interested.
In short .... and in my own brief assessment so far too .... this simulation is "quite an ELECTRA-flying experience"
Mark C