By miracle, after making many many flights with David Mantly BAC 1-11s using FSX default 738 panel, I decided and managed to install realistic VC cockpit panel for all variants of David Mantly BAC 1-11 model base and the gauges as well as all functions of the VC cockpit panel work well during ground testing.
What puzzles me is that I see TWO trim functions on the cockpit panel of BAC 1-11s. According to the manual books, the tail trim must be set to 3.0 for take off but MADE no mention of setting regular trim via trim wheel on the throttle panel. Am I supposed to use regular trim in addition to tail trim or am I supposed to skip the regular trim???
Please advise as I do not see any instructions for normal trim in the manual books for that freeware model base.
Thank you for any answer any of you might provide.
Elevator trim (using the trim wheel) should be set at 3 degrees. No other trim should be used on take off under normal circumstances.
For clarity, there can be 3 types of trim on any aircraft. Elevator trim (often using a “trim wheel”) for pitch.
Aileron trim (not fitted on many aircraft) for roll.
Rudder trim for yaw.
In most circumstances, for takeoff we are concerned with pitch, so elevator trim is the important aspect.
In real BAC 1-11 cockpit panel on David Mantly BAC 1-11, I see two different trims. One is that I have to use this gauge called tail trim as seen on the screenshot to set 3.0 degree.
The other one is the trim wheel I am talking about as seen and indicated NUMBER FOUR on the screenshot .
I was asking if I was supposed to set the trim too on that trim wheel on throttle panel.
Hi Aharon, it is ages since I last flew the BAC1-11 but if memory serves me right I believe number 4 is rudder trim and one below is aileron trim or could be vice versa!
Hope this helps.
I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.
it is ages since I last flew the BAC1-11 but if memory serves me right I believe number 4 is rudder trim and one below is aileron trim or could be vice versa!
I am referring number 4 to elevator trim wheel. Sorry if my previous posts might be confusing to you or anyone. I finally found the name and it is called elevator trim wheel.
Now back to my original question: am I supposed to touch or use elevator trim wheel or leave it alone and focus on making sure the tail trim gauge is set to 3.0?????
Aharon : I think you are becoming confused between function and gauge : the trim wheel controls the setting of the tailplane for purposes of trim. The gauge shows what setting you have achieved by moving the trim wheel
Aharon : I think you are becoming confused between function and gauge : the trim wheel controls the setting of the tailplane for purposes of trim. The gauge shows what setting you have achieved by moving the trim wheel
Yes I understand what you are trying to say BUT the problem is that in David Mantly BAC 1-11 model base, according to HJG manual, I need to click on the left side of the gauge for more nose up trim or click on the right side of the gauge for more nose down trim to achieve required three degree for take off. The HJG manual made no mention that I can use the trim wheel to achieve the required 3 degree. I always use trim wheel in all other model bases but never knew that the trim wheel in David Mantly BAC 1-11 model base is functional.