Hi Ben.
My LG HUB controls my gaming mouse G502 HERO/keyboard G915 and headset G935 , and yes the software sucks pity the good build quality of the products let down by this stupid HUB system i have auto updates turned off but it still keeps trying to update , which screws my win 7 home premium system up hence every once in a while i have to delete it and put original LG HUB back in then the rig marole of setting everything up again, also they have changed their web site since my original LG HUB was installed so it sometimes gives false updates as it trys to communicate with a site thats not there anymore.
I tried a full system scan yesterday , the computer locked up at 37% , I am beginning to think this NEW version of AVAST anti virus program might be the cause of my lockup issues.
Regards Alan.
PC win7 home premium will not even boot in safe mode , every time i tried to do a full scan with my AVAST anti virus the PC locked up , I should have left it alone while bootable in safe mode and taken it into the PC repair shop , Now it might be too late to get it repaired god knows what damage has been done to my PC , startup repair keeps failing to repair at moment , just hope all my personal files can be rescued as some aircraft are no longer available , sim outhouse seems to be devoid of any files flight sim and avsim seem imposible to find and download files , and the 91st website is no more , so all work on my R1155 looks at this time to be lost as well.
Dont you just love Computers .
regards Alan.
Is it an SSD Alan? Tbh it sounds like Window's is buggered if it wont boot. I didn’t think Avast still supported Windows 7 so that could be the problem if its trying to update the AntiVirus driver. The other files should be intact.
Hi Ben.
The Hard drive is the old style rotating disc as opposed to electronic memory type , at this time repair tool has been running for almost two hours , which is longer than previous two attempts so keeping fingers crossed , else its the repair shop , when a catch them open that is .
regards Alan.
Major disaster ,PC has been damaged by the very program thats ment to protect it AVAST anti virus , i had the old style AVAST anti virus free version , and it came up for licence renwel , it would not let me do that and effectivly forced the new version on me , it worked at first , but last update it did on its main file , i think maid it incompatable with win 7 home premium , so when i did a virus scan it locked the PC up , so had to shut down incorrectly , thinking it was a glitch tried another scan , this has royally screwed my PC , it does not even boot up and AVAST has damaged the safe mode boot up , my PC is now in repair shop , my fingers are crossed that they can fix it without losing my personal files , i have aircraft and mods to them that cannot be replaced like MAAM sim B25 A2A B17 highly modded as a member of the 91st bombardment group , our website and most of files on it where lost when the provider sold it to another provider so files like this i do not want to lose also my PSP8 i use for doing my bmps on my xml gauges and all the masters for my R1155 receiver bmps , i dont fancy having to start right from scratch again , so my fingers and toes are crossed it can be fixed , so if any of you are using AVAST on win 7 home premium then do not upgrade to latest version as it looks like its no longer compatable with win 7 home premium.
regrads Alan.
If its Avast, then it should be a straight forward, plug the drive in to another PC and copy the files off. Thats the good news. So fingers crossed he'll be able to copy the files off before trying to reinstall Windows.
Hi .
I had a phone call yesterday from the PC shop , news was not what i wanted to hear , to compond the AVAST anti virus no longer being compatable with win 7 after its last update , i was told my C drive the main drive had failed , they are trying to retrieve as much data from it as posible , but they said they could send it to a company that specialise in this , so i will be without my PC for a longer time than expected , in the meantime they are putting in a solid state drive with win 10 on as they dont think my system will take win 11 , they asked me how much data on the C drive was important , i told them everything was , as all my flight sim controller drivers LGhub for headset / mouse / keyboard and FSX main set up and licencies are on that drive along with my UBOAT sim ,and PSP8 and all my Master files for mods , and downloads i have from sites that no longer exist . just hope i get everything back , only time will tell , plus i have to learn how win 10 operates as opposed to win 7 that i am used to , so this project is on hold for a while yet by the looks of things , only saving grace my latest copies of the XML file and latest copies of all my bit maps to date are on the D drive for the R1155 , but without the FSX running with all my controllers i cannot do any testing.
regards Alan.
On Friday i got my PC back , its cost me over £800 sofar and a lot of pprograms still broken , haveing to search the web for control drivers for my flight controlllers , sofar i have re installed PSP8 but all my custom paints are gone which is a right royal pain in rear end , have steam and TS3 reinstalled and working UBOAT reinstalled , Track IR5 reinstalled but i could not find seth flight profile download on thier site , today i found dounloaded and installed the CH control manager and checked and calibrated my CH yoke / rudder peddles / and my two quad throttles , FSX not even tried to install or repair yet , as the original install was mainly on my good F drive but the main start up part was still installed by MS on my C drive , so still need to check how to go about fixing this without distroying what is on F drive , also not sure if FSUIPC payed version needs to be reinstalled or not , once i have this sorted i then have the headache of seeing which aircraft still work , and which need reinstalling or if site nolonger exists then they will be lost for goood , so my project is on indefinate hold for now , as for my saitek gear if i cannot get drivers for them then they will be usless junk , unless they just work on win 10 by pluging them in , this is i nightmare to sort out .
regards Alan.
Alan, before doing anything take a backup to an external usb hard disk, so that you can get back to the present point.
From memory, i took a back up of my full FSX and FS9, then re-installed them to a new folder, then copied the old FSX and FS9 folders hfrom the backupj over the top of the new ones. Remember to activate FSX and FS9 before copying the files over.