F27 in MSFS 2020

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F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by JohnWillimas »

For anyone with happy memories of trips between Norwich and Amsterdam, the Fokker F27-500 by Benoit Gaurant is now available for MSFS 2020 over at Flightsim.to.

I must say its become one of my favourite MSFS planes. Flies beautifully and behaves convincingly. Definitely a hidden gem.


Liveries for Aer Lingus and Air UK at fs.to as well.....

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Paul K
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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by Paul K »

I got it last week, along with the Air UK livery, but haven't had much time to play with it. I was having problems with the autopilot, but I think that might have been a conflict with my Loupedeck controller. It looks very nice though - the VC is very good.

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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by JohnWillimas »

Autopilot seems to work OK for me. One thing I did discover - the DME has its own frequency tuner, not the same as the VOR. Took me a while to spot that!

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Nigel H-J
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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by Nigel H-J »

Autopilot seems to work OK for me. One thing I did discover - the DME has its own frequency tuner, not the same as the VOR. Took me a while to spot that!
Annoying init!! :lol:

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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by dfarrow »

Paul , you'll have to do as Air Uk's forerunner Air Anglia ..... '' We're bigger than you think '' ... ''We're faster than you think '' [ Ads from the '70s ! ] did.
AA did not employ any autopilot engineers ... Every time they aquired another F27 , contracted in an engineer to remove any A/pilot kit .. and promptly sold the kit ..
Wibur Wright and Jim Crampton's thoughts were ''' we employ pilots , let them fly 'em '' .

rgds d farrow.

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Nigel H-J
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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by Nigel H-J »

Wibur Wright and Jim Crampton's thoughts were ''' we employ pilots , let them fly 'em '' .
Wow! Can you see that happening today?

Must download it as have not done much flying of late.

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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Paul K
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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by Paul K »

dfarrow wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 06:10
Paul , you'll have to do as Air Uk's forerunner Air Anglia ..... '' We're bigger than you think '' ... ''We're faster than you think '' [ Ads from the '70s ! ] did.
AA did not employ any autopilot engineers ... Every time they aquired another F27 , contracted in an engineer to remove any A/pilot kit .. and promptly sold the kit ..
Wibur Wright and Jim Crampton's thoughts were ''' we employ pilots , let them fly 'em '' .

rgds d farrow.
Very interesting! Didn't the removal of the autopilot necessitate some sort of CAA approval and/or type re-certification?

I think my autopilot problems are connected to my Loupedeck controller ( or maybe it's a 'disconnected' problem). Along with everything else that's on my flightsim to-do list, I need to update the software. I'm starting to fall behind with such housekeeping tasks, particularly since the release of MSFS2024.

By the way, folks, there is an update to the F27:


EDIT: Ignore the update, or at least keep the original download to hand. There are a lot of texture glitches in the updated VC. Nvidia driver 572.16

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Re: F27 in MSFS 2020

Post by dfarrow »

Paul , don't know on eng. approvals , I guess it was a very basic A/P , and the boys were flying her . Hitched hiked a few times on LHR-NWI-LHR on a staff ticket , to go sailing on Hickling with my dad . Was by then [ late'70s ] used to 'Mr Smith's triplex A/land in 75m RVR and 12' radio decision ht .
'Fraid I've only really broken a/c and asked engineers to fix them ! Apart from our share'o'plane on a permit which we engineer ourselves , with an LAA inspector's oversight .
Sorry to hear of your 'pooter woes , ours is the same . Our local 'pooter shop is checking over/fettling a new [ To Us ] super dooper / go faster / furry dice / stripes machine ... Then I'll be asking the way forward from XP and FS 2004 ! Got to be ok on that one , but now am far behind .
But Hey Ho , now fully retired ... so should have some free time ...not .

rgds d farrow .

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