Sim Use Survey

Classic British Flight Sim forum.
Support for Maltby/Piper FS models & other Classic British freeware.

Moderators: Guru's, The Ministry

Since December, which Flight Sim have you been using? (Pick your top 2)

Poll ended at 17 Jan 2025, 12:49

FS9 /2004
P3D (any version)
XPlane (any version)
Total votes: 45

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by chrispbits »

MSFS 2020 with an occasional dabble with XPlane 11 and DCS. I've just upgraded from a Ryzen 3600x to a 5900x and 2020 is almost a different sim as a result. I do plan to go to 2024 later this year but we're waiting on a network upgrade from copper to fibre.

Brian Franklin
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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by Brian Franklin »

Used 2020 for the last 4 years but have now moved almost exclusively to 2024. Have had none of the problems several other users seem to be complaining about and just love the new feel of 2024, just feels so mush better visually

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by Aharon »

When everybody states MS2020 or MS2024, can he or she please be kind enough to state internet speed so that we the future purchasers of MS2020 or MS2024 can know which internet speed would be sufficient to run MS2024 as it relies MORE on internet speed for streaming than MS2020 does.


P.S. you can edit your post to add internet speed

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by robcarrich »

Although 2020 is a beautiful program I find myself drawn back to P3D of late, AI Carriers in particular being the main reason also the clouds looked better and with "True Earth" the UK scenery is compairable to MS (appart from the green roads in some areas).
Room will have to be found, I suppose, for 2024 in due course.


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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by spatialpro »

robcarrich wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 09:00
Although 2020 is a beautiful program I find myself drawn back to P3D of late, AI Carriers in particular being the main reason
I mainly fly MSFS 2020 whilst I wait for MSFS 2024 to mature (I fly '24, but only occasionally at the moment). I also miss FSX and the 32-bit editions of P3D as I'm a Fleet Air Arm nut and loved the work of Flying Stations. I look back upon it as something of a Golden Era. We have landable carriers in '20 and '24, but they're static. The AI carriers aren't landable. We have a Buccaneer S2 on the way for '20, but it is itself based on the Flying Stations Buccaneer! I am very glad of the iniBuilds Wasp HAS1 (and Scout AH1), but the landable warships are still based on FSX/P3D tech (e.g. IIRC they don't have PBR). For me the pinnacle of FSX and 32-bit P3D was the utility which Flying Stations produced which would allow you to request the carrier group to sail into wind (such that it was "down the angle") and assume flying stations (appropriately enough!). After landing/take off etc you could have the group fall out of flying stations, as which point it would turn and sail back towards the original AI track (upon reaching it it would resume the AI track). I'm not aware of anything before or since which is capable of such a thing?!?! IIRC there was also an experimental version which allowed one to spawn a buddy-buddy AAR aircraft ahead of the carrier group!

Happy days...


Formerly "Airtrooper"

i9-10900KF, 64Gb RAM,
RTX 3090, Quest Pro, Win10 Pro 64-bit
Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals, Saitek X52 Pro

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by spatialpro »

I just wanna say that the one addon which has been consistent throughout all recent incarnations and has kept me coming back to flight sim again, and again, and again... and has been my "daily driver" whilst other aircraft have come-and-gone with different versions of the sim... is the Hunter (esp. in RN colours) by Dave Garwood! It is the gift which keeps on giving, even as payware Hunters come-and-go. I'm extremely grateful to you Dave!

Pic from MSFS 2024 taken in VR

Formerly "Airtrooper"

i9-10900KF, 64Gb RAM,
RTX 3090, Quest Pro, Win10 Pro 64-bit
Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals, Saitek X52 Pro

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by migman29 »

Still poling Fs9 fully tuned up TBH.
You could see him thinking "Bleedin'pilots,don't know nuffin.All glammer" He's probably right.

A/C.2 Webber,Manston,1941,First Light by Geoff Wellum.

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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by paul26may »


alan cottrill
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Re: Sim Use Survey

Post by alan cottrill »

Was FSX+Acceleration till hard drive failure late last year , only just managed to get the basic sim reinstalled and registered on wednesday dinner time 12 feb 25 , now having a right royal headache getting as much files as i can , transfered from original and testing , but when FSUIPC 4 was installed , i tried copy and paste from original control ini , but that did not work , so trying to manually set up the controls as each type of aircraft had its own controls set so light aircraft had a light touch on controls and heavy aircraft had a heavy feel to them , and some payware are no longer avialable , PMDG aircraft to name but one manufacturer , i will miss my little jetstream41 and DC6 , as i think they only gave an installer , that had to connect to their website , A2A aircraft should not be a problem to install , at this time just stetting up the base aircraft , and my saitek radio and switch panel do not work in win 10 with the sim , even though win 10 says they are there .
regards Alan Cottrill. 8)

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