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Re: Shuttle Landing at 1802 GMT

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 20:10
by Garry Russell
Hi Brian

I remember the TV videos of the Shuttle with by then several flare like object coming from it. That must have been after it passed you.

It must have been surreal and as you mention.. the amazement of the normal homcoming is bourne from the fact it is so outside the human evelope and as such very dangerous.

Regretable though it is that things have gone wrong it is perhaps amazing that it can be done at all and no matter how it is done it will always be dangerous.

Certainly something you will never forget.

Thanks for sharing that experience with us, it does change it for me and I would think others because hearing it as a personal first hand experience make it real and not just another video image.

As scientific as the whole operation is, one is reminded that it is, after all, real humans with families and friends .
