UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by forthbridge »

During a quiet time ( 8) ) at work not too long ago, I was reading about the history of computer processors...

I am sure that there was some major issue with the Chip used in the AEW 3's systems EG it couldn't handle all the data (Too slow)...

Something along those lines.

I think (someone already pointed out) the equipment was also rather 'hot'....

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by SkippyBing »

It was picking up cars and all other kinds of things
Ironically these days that would be seen as an advantage and they'd be pushing it as a ground surveillance platform!

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by Chris Sykes »

back on topic, its a shame that surposidly the FSX version is a port over...

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by coltsr2 »

Hi XR219
I think your sentence sums up the politics of British aviation to a T.

XR219 wrote:The nimrod AEW was an excellent design, however the 707 AEW already existed, so to produce the nim AEW would hsve required billions of more pounds. Its a difficult balance between something that should be a world beater an justifing spending billions to make it so when something which fits the bill already exists.
I remember thinking of AEW as the great white hope when I were a lad, ugly or not, it had much promise. :-(

Unfortunately many great British concepts and innovative aviation designs have fallen into the price/politics pit,....after visiting RAF Cosford on many occasions i am still baffled why the great TSR-2 which, included a number of advanced features that made it the highest performing aircraft in its role, yet the program was controversially canceled in favor of the General Dynamics F-111, a procurement that itself was later canceled! All because of cost!

Sadly i think its more than just hard cash that hits the British aviation industry, if one looks at the French approach they have continuously had a national pride/policy to develop innovative planes all on their own, they built the Dassualt Rafale in favor of being in on the Eurofighter Typhoon, not to mention all their other home grown awsome planes! In fact I have to admire French pride, virtually all their aircraft are French built! ....something us brits have let go in favor of red tape and political indecisiveness and wishy washy mentality......And lets not forget the Swedes with their Saab series of aircraft.
How can these countries build their own aircraft yet The Brits are reluctant to go it alone on many succesful aircraft projects? it just about money?

True we have produced some excellent aircraft and hopefully will continue to do so, but if we consistently retire to the buy into the Cheapest option then we sadly degrade the skills and infrastructure built up over many years of flight testing and conceptual design engineering......

Anyone who has seen Concorde flying will realize that even in the face of huge mounting costs, increased fuel costs and political pressure, success can still be achieved with a sense of great pride.....

I think the nimrod itself was an ugly but purposeful plane , as for the AEW version...i think the government realized the burden to the tax payer far out weighed the design benefits of that design.....Politics in action.......sad but thats life...........The good old days have gone....................The Brits where leaders at one time in innovative ideas and engineering aviation skills....thankfully they are still present in many British consortium projects and aero engine designs.......... :)

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by DaveB »


I don't think UKMIL have any native FSX models do they?? When Trev mentioned FS9 and FSX versions.. I took it as read that the FSX model was the FS9 version with the necessary file structure added :dunno:


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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by ukmil »

indeed i am still learning the mass that is the FSX SDK so at present all our models are simply portovers, however i cant see the problem? yes items such as helos have issues with rotors, but you would get nothing extra on the nimrod, other than bump mapping? so whats the problem?

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by Chris Sykes »

:worried: erm frame rates and smoothness are hugely better with a propa FSX model...

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by DaveB »

I think a lot of that is to do with how good (or otherwise) the original was Chris. I don't use FSX very often so probably don't notice the difference but nothing I've dragged over works any worse than it did in FS9 :) Anyway.. I'm sure UKMIL's first native FSX model will be released with much fanfare when the time comes ;-)


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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by ukmil »

as always chris, if you dont like it, dont use it, no loss.

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Re: UKMIL Nimrod MR4 released at 'all nodes'

Post by Tako_Kichi »

DaveB wrote:I think a lot of that is to do with how good (or otherwise) the original was Chris. I don't use FSX very often so probably don't notice the difference but nothing I've dragged over works any worse than it did in FS9 :)
It may not work worse than in FS9 (in fact it may even run better than in FS9) however, in my experience, aircraft ported over from FS9 have a significant frame rate hit when compared to aircraft compiled using the FSX SDK tools. This frame rate hit is particularly noticeable on weaker systems.

Before I upgraded my system I would see performance slow-downs when running port-over aircraft while 'true' FSX aircraft ran as smooth as silk even at sub-20 FPS. In fact a very complex 'pure' FSX aircraft would out perform a much less complex port over.

Just my 2c. ;-)

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