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Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 13:25
by Nigel H-J
Brilliant Ian, you have captured that well. :welldone:


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 13:52
by speedbird591
Thanks, gents. Glad you like the screenies, although it's DM, FlyTampa, Bill Gates etc. who deserve the credit. I just pressed a button :lol:
fighterpilot wrote:Great shots, :thumbsup: and has infact encouraged me to install a Kaitak scenery. (Kaitak 98)
Thanks, Richard. I'd highly recommend using either the freeware 9Dragons or the payware FlyTampa Kai Tak scenery. I've used all three and 98 has definitely been superseded by the two newer ones.

There's little to choose in quality between the freeware or payware products, but they do offer different scenarios and choices.

9Dragons re-creates Hong Kong as it was mid-90s. This means that VHHH is a building site and you'd have to divert your WoAI traffic - either to VHHX or somewhere nearby.

FlyTampa creates Hong Kong as it is now (including VHHH) but re-opening VHHX in addition. So you could leave your WoAI where it is.

So 9Dragons is more realistic in it's time-frame but the WoAI traffic is anachronistic for the mid 90s. I'd say that the scenery is better in 9Dragons but that FlyTampa has other enhancements (AES support, AI road vehicles and ships) that leave them finely balanced!

Having tried all of them, you can see that I've opted for FlyTampa and left the modern world intact. Kai Tak is simply a self-contained time-capsule with retro traffic of 1975-85 flying simple flightplans that allow realistic aircraft movements, yet without impacting the modern traffic or airports. (Does that make sense???? Image)

Ian Image

Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 13:56
by fighterpilot
If i had a half decent computer i might well go for one of the better options however i don't believe my computer would handle them, No harm in trying 9 Dragons though i guess.


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 15:13
by speedbird591
Richard, 9Dragons is amazingly gentle on frame rates and you should find it smoother than KT98. It is, however, a very large download in four parts because it includes photoreal scenery of the whole territory, so you may need to look at space on your disk. I notice that it now includes AES support. I might seriously consider returning to 9Dragons instead of FlyTampa ... but then again, what to do with the WoAI stuff?

Download the four parts from Avsim and unzip them all into the same temporary folder and run the installer from there. Read the manual before doing so as there are just a few tiny, but important housekeeping items. Make sure you download version 2 (with the autoinstaller). These are the four individual file names, plus an update file. Don't forget that you'll lose VHHH but it's easy to divert your traffic to VHHX. Just ask when you're ready.
plus an update:

This is the website: http://www.milehighproductions.cwhnetwo ... index.html


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 16:02
by fighterpilot
Thanks Ian, will certainly look into 9 Dragons, although at the moment my disc space is at a bit of a premium. Just been attemting to fly the checkerboard approach and fared OK i think for my first attempt, overshot a little but managed to correct before touch down.

One problem I have had for a long time though is getting the autopilot to intercept VOR's and ILS beams successfully. It always overshoots and keeps correcting itself until it eventually settles. Is there anyway to make it intercept nav beams more accurately as it would certainly be useful when flying the circuit and approach into Kai Tak.


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 16:51
by speedbird591
Richard - I'm pretty certain that the accuracy of interception is defined by the aircraft. Some are better than others. As far as the approach to Kai Tak goes, you'll need to set the aircraft up much earlier than you would normally. I follow this chart for the checkerboard approach.


Radio/panel Settings: VOR1=111.90 (ILS), VOR2=112.30 (CH VOR), COM1=118.70 (Tower), NDB1=268 (Sha Lo Wan), NDB2=377 (HKG RW), Course=088 degrees, marker audio=ON

Cross Cheung Chau VOR, HDG 270 (downwind leg), at 6,000ft starting your descent to 4,500ft (use VOR2 needle to approach CH at 270 degrees). Watch the DME2 readout. When it reads D7.0 (7nm after you've crossed the beacon), start your right turn to HDG 045 to intercept the ILS approx 15 miles out. You'll intercept the glide slope at about DME -10. If you turn on the marker audio on the radio, it will start beeping as you cross the middle marker. This is where you begin your turn to the runway heading of 135 degrees. Start the turn as you hear the beeps and if you find that you've turned too early, then next time leave it (for example) two seconds before turning. That way you have a reference point for that particular aircraft. The bigger the aircraft, the earlier you start to turn.

Hope this helps


BTW, I've found a place to download 9dragons v2 in one file, plus a separate file for the manual:

Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 17:13
by fighterpilot
Thanks Ian, that chart is very similar to the one with Kai Tak 98 and i was attempting to fly that approach. More practice needed as i rarely fly this sort of circuit/approach, usually using FS atc to vector me to finals. If i have time over the rest of the weekend i will see about 9Dragons and have a bit of a play. I was practicing the approach in the trident 2 as i plan to do some VA flights, but may jump into something a little easier to handle to do a few more circuits and bumps.

Thanks for all your help.


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 21:14
by speedbird591
fighterpilot wrote:I was practicing the approach in the trident 2 as i plan to do some VA flights, but may jump into something a little easier to handle to do a few more circuits and bumps.
I doubt whether you'd find anything easier than the VC10. Why not set up a flight with the VC10 approaching CH VOR at 270 degrees with all the relevant frequencies set and the autopilot on, then save the flight. That way you can easily practise the last part of the approach as many times as you wish without having to do the whole flight.

I find that all of DM's aircraft fly this approach perfectly using the autopilot - which I disengage at about 1000ft (don't forget to disengage the autothrottles separately). One thing that might make it harder to intercept the beam would be a crosswind - you might want to check that.

Ian :)

Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 22:01
by fighterpilot
I'm sure the Autopilot never used to be as bad at intercepting a nav beam but for a while now it will always overshoot and then over correct etc. Maybe i am imagining things and it has always been like this :dunno: As for the suggestion of the VC10 i did do one approach in it and will definitely fly more. I find all of DM's jets great to fly although I haven't flown the Comet as much as the others.

Just about to go and sort out 9Dragons and see what i get fps wise.


Re: China Airlines T2

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 23:08
by fighterpilot
As i thought was going to happen my comp (only a laptop) didn't like 9 Dragons very much. However i am more than happy with the Kai Tak 98 so i'll move back to that for now. Back to practicing approaches again.
