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Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 14:16
by Garry Russell
Hi Dale :hello:

If you can, put FS.X on a seperate HD or at the very least a seperate partition :)

Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 15:37
by DaveB
Re the fuel burn.. I've just given a the lady a good 30min romp down to Cottesmore and there was no fuel imbalance.. both tanks identical. As already mentioned.. I start the sim (both sims) with the default Cessna you're offered when you first open it. TBH.. I didn't think there was a problem with it even though I don't (or haven't up to now) used FSX that much.. the Rapide is light enough to notice that sort of thing happening.. especially at VA fuel levels which are generally much lower.
It'd be nice to say there's a fault with the model as it could be looked at and sorted but on this occasion, something else is causing what you see. Again, as I said earlier.. I've seen this recently with the Flying Stations Buccanear and was quite shocked they'd let it get to release with this happening. As it happens, it's not the Bucc at all as on other flights (first past the Cessna) it's been just fine ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 16:51
by Vc Ten
Hi Garry :hello:
Yes I have win 7 on C drive which is a 32gig ssd and FSX on a 1tb drive The SSd is becoming full as windows constantly updates itself and the pc is mildly clocked which may be another reason for the occasional crashes. I will look at getting a 50gig SSd amd return the clockings to default. There is little else on the pc so it will be a simple task to reinstall everything I have all of my uploaded aircraft on usb stick so other than a bit of time should be ok

Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Posted: 29 Jan 2012, 22:09
by Adrian Petford
DaveG wrote:*-) Curious. I'll have to delve into the configs and see what's going on.

The Rapide originally started life as a FS2002 model, with various upgrades to it's current state. The fuel system hasn't changed much (at all?) over that time, so it's possible there is a slight incompatibility problem with FSX which has gone unnoticed until now.

It's undergoing (another!) rebuild ATM, so I'll make sure things are working for that. I'll also add mouse clicks & dragging for the gauge switch.
Hello Dave,

Great to hear another update to this distinguished old girl is on the way. Many thanks for your Rapide - it's my favourite and most flown aircraft in both FS2004 and FSX and also holds the record for number of installed repaints in my sims (around 50 in each). I'm a big fan of the type in real life, and got to fly in G-AGTM last year. It immediately struck me how close your model is to the real thing - the atmosphere and feel are spot on. I'm continuing to clock up the flight hours in your Rapide... currently about a quarter of the way through a north to south tour around New Zealand in ZK-AHS “Mokai”, operated by the National Airways Corporation between 1947-56. She's doing very well for a lady of a certain age!

Thanks again - looking forward to the updated version,


Re: DH89 Fuel Gauge

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 10:55
by Adrian Petford
Sorry, in my original post I forgot to acknowledge the other members of the Rapide design team: Rick Piper, Dave Booker, Saverio Maurri, Brian Withers, Mike Hambly, Bob Rivera, Garry Russell, Mark Beaumont and Mike Wilson.

Thanks for your work,
