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Re: Real Time Acceleration

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 17:16
by PaulC
Ah, lovely Dave, thanks.

My wife works shifts but is mobile and sometimes in our local area and you can bet that as soon as I start to climb out she "charmingly" pops in for a brew!
Ignoring her and continuing an "important" flight when we both frequently work opposite shifts and I don't see her often enough isn't a popular option!! (At least not with her!)

Just as an aside Dave, I do like the planning side of flying, how much of it do you do? Most of the time I just do the fuel from the route page, add the 45 mins and diversion etc, then get a few VORs and away we go. I do like planning a bit more in depth though, (especially with VFR) I just wondered what others do. Maybe a topic for another thread, I seem to be digressing!! ;)


Re: Real Time Acceleration

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 19:10
by DaveB
Hi Paul :hello:

I have planned using charts and other odds and sods in the past but I mainly use FSNavigator now (sadly, no longer available for FS9 and never updated for FSX) :( That said, I don't leave it to it's own devices. I look at the route myself and if I see obstructions (of which there are plenty when you fly the old stuff I do) I route around them. A prime example being the flight I've just done NIC-Athens. FSNav routed my over an 8100ft mountain and considering the Viking cruises at 8000ft tops (it's unpressurised).. so I pulled the route to the west to avoid it :) I try to take great care with fuel. Unless I'm 'testing'.. I take exactly what I know I need and no more. I'd calculated 685.5kg for the NIC-Athens flight so added 690kg and used 682. Had I parked next to the 2 Tridents at Athens, that could easily have been 685 but they were a long way off and I was getting bored with taxying :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Real Time Acceleration

Posted: 15 May 2012, 17:54
by Benedettini
Hello Mike!

You can def. use acceleration, /at the expense of/ losing your BONUS partially. I once did my 722 training flight at 8x max, coz before attempt ended as FS crash,so it bothered me. Yet my bonus was really down.
When you wanna divert, remember that your overall fuel burn average will be much higher ;)

Hi Paul!
For planning flights I use high/low airway on IVAO, I either use rfinder kind websites or IVAO database, set dep/arr/FL, read the intersections and copy/paste route to FSCommander (if so needed), and check the VOR/NDBs on way that mostly requires you Dual VOR navigation (use 2 VORs crossing together to determine fix location). In Europe its so hard, and sometimes I gotta deadreckon for couple of minutes especially during SID/STARs. If you need example I would show you one I had done before,with reasonable precision :)
Yeah its only sometimes VOR-to-VOR direct. Mostly I gotta leave station A at bearing 104, and:
1-Intercept Station B at bearing 128
2-Turn left/right xxx at 63 miles outb. VOR 1, and keep heading till intercept next at xxx track...IF you intercept it at 52 mile distance, you do precise spot-on! (This way Im able to navigate on 3 Airways, 2nd with no proper navaids)

Re: Real Time Acceleration

Posted: 16 May 2012, 16:17
by PaulC

I have done that kind of Navigation before. Mostly when I was with RAF Virtual and I flew VC10s. We used intercepting two radials for racetrack turning points etc.

I also used the Carousel INS for airway Nav.

I might go back to the VOR intercepting and have a go at that. It's a while since I've done it so hold on!!!