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Re: Yikes!

Post by DaveG »

We had quite a lot of thunder and lightning here yesterday and ASN was spot on.
There is an option in ASN to suppress thunder storms.
Dave G.

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Re: Yikes!

Post by PaulC »

Similar behaviour here. I'm about 6-7miles in a straight line from Leeds Bradford and as I set off from there the other day it looked perfect, showery but not overcast, just like it was here but I also had thunderstorms.
None heard or seen round here.
I flew to Jersey using the iFly 737-700 which now has a weather radar tailored for ASN. the turbulence and weather enroute was at a new level- very impressed.
They must just like showing us lightning!!

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The Ministry
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Re: Yikes!

Post by DaveB »

Yes indeed mate but I think I'll leave it on. With the frequency our weather men get the weather wrong.. one can hardly expect a flightsim program to do better :lol: Thunder, lightning and length of rain aside for yesterday.. the sky as depicted was as angry as seen in that screenie quite a few times. I guess the only way to have ASN (or any other weather program) reporting more accurately is to increase the frequency of updates. I increased the download time a tad from the default in case this was adding to the vile 2-sec stutters I was getting (it wasn't as it happens). I couldn't remember this happening with ASA either but flashing it up.. it did :( Worth noting though that I've always had the maximum use out of ASA in FS9.. not FSX. Although the stutter seemed linked to ferocity/density of weather (a clear, fine day worked great.. yesterday would have brought the stutter back) its true to say that FSXB has got rid of it regardless of what's being depicted ;)

NOTE: Rgr that Paul.. you posted while I was typing ;) IF this turns out to be more common, I'll suppress it but for now.. I'll leave it be. That shot I took was far from isolated.. loads of fork lightning striking. I wouldn't have flown had it been real :lol: More impressive was the sheet lightning. The way the clouds flashed was very impressive ;) The wife was in Nottingham yesterday and she had weather very similar to here in Pelsall.. sunshine breaking through, rapid clouding over followed by short/sharp bouts of rain but no thunder or lightning. I think it was a bit too cold here. The sunny bits were never that warm :)

DaveB B)smk
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The Gurus
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Re: Yikes!

Post by DaveG »

I could be wrong :hide: but what I think happens is the metar reports the possibility of thunderstorms, or the conditions are such that storms could happen so FS shows thunder and lightning anyway. I've had it happen with other weather engines as well.
Dave G.

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The Ministry
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Re: Yikes!

Post by DaveB »

Yes.. I'd tend to agree with that. The only things you can take from this with any certainty are temp and pressure. As for the rest.. well.. :dunno:

DaveB B)smk
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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