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Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 08 Jun 2016, 20:34
by airboatr
Thanks Dave,

*-) Dear Mr. Aces...
You B@$¥@¿d I doubt you care enough to lift one cheek regarding the addon click issue that has wasted hours of your customers time, you know, the ones who pay your paycheck? , but I'm going to tell you about it anyway..... :cpu:

Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 08 Jun 2016, 21:38
by GHD
There are 355 different people, but they are all static:


Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 02:54
by Airspeed
It looks like a couple of tiles from the wall of an Egyptian pyramid have been dropped on that runway. :worried:

Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 03:06
by Airspeed
DaveB wrote:Regardless of it being a library or not.. reading Nigels comments, it didn't seem to me that he was sure of how to manually add scenery ''' but after clicking OK it just went inside showing the other two folders i.e. scenery and texture ones.'''

If he's not added it correctly, he won't see it anyway.
DaveB B)smk
I don't think that anyone was criticising your helpful advice Dave.
Nigel does also need to understand that a library is different to scenery, as posted by others above.
Bit like me and my knowledge of SSDs. We come, we learn.

Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 04:11
by airboatr
GHD wrote:There are 355 different people, but they are all static:

That reminds me, I need to pick up another box of floss.

Thanks George :thumbsup:

Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 13:41
by Nigel H-J
Regardless of it being a library or not.. reading Nigels comments, it didn't seem to me that he was sure of how to manually add scenery ''' but after clicking OK it just went inside showing the other two folders i.e. scenery and texture ones.'''

If he's not added it correctly, he won't see it anyway.
That was the problem Dave, could not get my head round why when I selected the folder in add scenery it showed 2 folders scenery and texture and would not add on so to speak. So very many thanks.
I don't think that anyone was criticising your helpful advice Dave.
Nigel does also need to understand that a library is different to scenery, as posted by others above.
Bit like me and my knowledge of SSDs. We come, we learn.
Mike, you are also right in what you wrote, I was not actually aware that a library is different to scenery as I don't often frequesnt this type of add-on. The last time I had problems was with Lincoln Cathedral, it would not show up in the sim until the chap who had advised me (not from this forum I might add) realised after a few weeks of posting on their forum...........

1st week
me: it's not showing. :dunno:

him: It should be, have you put it in the add-on folder. 8)

2nd week
me: yes. but it's not there :doh:

him: It's on mine, are you sure you selected it correctly! :poke:

3rd week

me: Yes but on looking the files don't appear to be right. *-)

him: Sorry, linked you to the FS9 version, here is another link. :hide:

me: Now got Lincoln Cathedral, thanks. :excited:

See from George's picture of the type of people there are but now cannot decide whether or not to install it if they are just all static. *-)

Thanks for posting that pic George.


Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 11 Jun 2016, 13:49
by Airspeed
Hi Nigel,
There are many mobile people available.
If you don't have any yet, but want some, let us know; we can do the searching for you as your internet time in the public library is limited.
Keep well.

Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 11 Jun 2016, 23:17
by airboatr
Mike, can you see if there is a mobile phone that walks around the ramp, just incase my battery dies, or the radio goes on the fritz..

... I may need to call for more.. - Gas



Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 10:11
by Nigel H-J
Hi Mike and sorry for the delay in replying as I could not get to library on Saturday.

To be honest I did not know that there were mobile people available but would be extremely grateful if you are able at some point to give me a nudge in the right direction. Being on a public computer the county council who provide this service are a bit funny about downloading files and many sites such as Flightsimstore, Just Flight as well as Flight Sim plus countless others I cannot download from apart from the one site which I downloaded the above but keep that under your hat or they will put a block on it!! :shhh:

If I need to download anything it is usually done when in a free wifi area on my mobile.

Many thanks Mike, BTW, if there are mobile people available are they concentrated at airports or what other areas within FSX?


Re: New...3D People for FS9 and FSX

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 12:48
by Airspeed
Again, Nigel, the moving people are library objects, which you place with Instant Scenery or similar.
It's been a few months since I was doing Barra. I have several actions going on; people smoking (with puffs of smoke!) folks talking on mobile phones, riding a bike, mechanics working with tools, mum rocking a baby, people carrying baggage, etc.
Possibly, I only managed to pinch them from my library because I have some ORBX airports. Unsure about this. :dunno:
There are some early examples in this old video.
When I get a break from my current serious computer troubles, I'll dig further. Right now, I can't even run FSX. :((