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Re: 4 july

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 10:05
by Airspeed
airboatr wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 05:40
00:40 and the bombs are still bursting in air. ... My flag is still there..
Glad to hear that you've bought a new flag, Joe.
Is it made in China, or one of those French ones: Fabrique au Chine?

Re: 4 july

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 12:45
by Nigel H-J
One thing I have noticed about America is that many places including homes fly the American Flag outside, whereas here in the UK you do not often see the Union Jack flying at all.

Great shame, why cannot we show off our flag with as much pride as the Americans do? it almost makes me think that we would be showing discrimination against other races who live here!!

BTW, a belated Happy 4th July guys.


Re: 4 july

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 13:07
by Airspeed
Aussies often fly National Flags at private residences; quite large poles installed too. Maybe it's a colonial thing?
Don't know about NZ or Canada, but we'll be dining with our resident Canadian friend when she returns with her brother in a couple of weeks. I'll try to remember to ask. Hang on, maybe someone here might answer.

Re: 4 july

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 20:18
by Paul K
Airspeed wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 10:05
Is it made in China, or one of those French ones: Fabrique au Chine?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Very good !

Re: 4 july

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 22:43
by Tako_Kichi
Airspeed wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 13:07
Aussies often fly National Flags at private residences; quite large poles installed too. Maybe it's a colonial thing?
Don't know about NZ or Canada, but we'll be dining with our resident Canadian friend when she returns with her brother in a couple of weeks. I'll try to remember to ask. Hang on, maybe someone here might answer.
I can't speak for the rest of Canada but around here you see some houses with the Maple Leaf flying outside but it's nowhere near as common as the land to the south. My daughter must confuse our neighbours as she has both a Canadian flag and a Union Jack and uses them instead of curtains on her bedroom window!

Re, the UK, wasn't the law at one time that only 'official' buildings could fly flags and not private residences? I seem to remember lots of people were getting into trouble with local authorities for flying/displaying the England flag during sporting events like the World Cup.

Re: 4 july

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 04:17
by airboatr
Airspeed wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 10:05
airboatr wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 05:40
00:40 and the bombs are still bursting in air. ... My flag is still there..
Glad to hear that you've bought a new flag, Joe.
Is it made in China, or one of those French ones: Fabrique au Chine?

Re: 4 july

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 04:24
by Airspeed
Excellent news, Joe!
You may be right about the use of the Union Jack, Larry, could be that people couldn't be trusted to show respect.
Your story of the curtains is a case in point.
Despite the apparent local national pride, most don't know about flag etiquette, and leave their flags without floodlights after dark. I am offended when the supermarket flogs thongs (UK flip-flops I think) hats, and beach towels all printed with the flag, when Australia Day approaches. It's disgraceful. Standing on the flag, and allowing it to touch the ground are both insults. :rant:
My old avatar was my setup on the AFV shed. I made a point of lowering both flags and ensuring that they did not touch the ground during detachment from the line. They were then respectfully folded and placed in a drawer overnight. tbh, I haven't flown them for several months, but will get back to it when I finish revamping the interior.

Re: 4 july

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 04:32
by airboatr
Paul K wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 20:18
Airspeed wrote:
05 Jul 2017, 10:05
Is it made in China, or one of those French ones: Fabrique au Chine?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Very good !
Paul.. keep it up and I'll not be taking that Renault Laguna off your hands..

Re: 4 july

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 04:46
by airboatr
Mike, I can't imagine this would upset you.. after all she is holding it close to her hearts

:wasntme: 0:)

Re: 4 july

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 08:30
by Airspeed
Is that your proposed new flag, stars with small stripes, and a big Union Jack in the top corner?
Speaking of proposing..... :hide: