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Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 12:23
by Nigel H-J
Get well soon Alan, thinking of you :thumbsup:


Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 14:29
by Dev One
Thats a nasty surprise, hope its a short stay version & you get well soon without any post virus complications.

Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 15:12
by AllanL
Thanks all, I have now escaped home. Those places are full of scarily sick people even up here.

The QE is our largest Hospital, known locally as the Death Star, and currently has four Covid ICUs.

I sneeked in on Monday morning , feeling rather fraudulent, after a severe right chest pain that had pretty much subsided before the ambulance crew arrived.

They suggested that I could just self-monitor and talk to my GP the next day, (VERY WRONG), or go in for checks at the QE. Very right. After a number of fairly inconclusive checks at the QE, one pointed to maybe having a blood clot on the right side. So they jabbed me with an anti-coagulant and put me in the queue for a CT scan. That is a busy machine right now. The upshot was that showed multiple clots on both sides. So I am now taking anti-coagulants for the next six months. They are less likely to kill you than the clots.

Apart from the pain in the chest there were no other warning signs or typical symptoms. So the moral of the tale is, if in the slightest doubt get checked in a hospital. GPs, even if you can get past the receptionist, will not have a CT machine in the corner.

Now I just have hide all the insurance certificates that SWMBO dug out while I was inside.


Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 15:31
by Nigel H-J
Great to hear that you are back Allan, I am not the greatest of fans of hospitals nor GP's. I do not particularly like these wards with 6 beds in either as they never seem to be clean, in the days of the old wards which contained 20 plus beds each side the wards were by far better managed and cleaner!!

Hope you continue with your recovery. :thumbsup:


Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 15:53
by Molyned
Welcome back Allan- now is not a good time (ever?) to be ill. However,Like SWIMBO here,they will throw you out ASAP if not sooner.
Talk soon, take care.
Cheers :cheers: :cheers:
Dave M(oly)

Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 17:58
by Buggyman
Take it easy AllanL, let time and drugs do their work.

Allan(B) :thumbsup:

Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 18:06
by Paul K
All the best Allan, take care of yourself. :cheers:

Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 20:01
by Kevin Farnell
Great to hear that you are home Allan.
Take care and take time to recover.

All the best


Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 20:23
by Filonian
Glad to hear you are on the mwnd Allan and are back at home :thumbsup:


Re: Cheers to AllanL

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 20:36
by Dev One
Glad you did not have Covid, a pulmonary embolism is bad enough as I can testify.