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Posted: 22 Mar 2006, 10:12
by britishtourer
Looking forward to your Optica Vixus!

Posted: 22 Mar 2006, 12:43
by Vixus
It's in a sorry state at the moment I think.


Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 08:33
by britishtourer
It's better than I could do!!!

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 11:33
by edmond64
If it makes you feel better I started my first project over a year ago and it still ain't finished :sad: Good start though :smile:

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 11:40
by britishtourer
Edmond - I couldn't even get started!!!

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 22:15
by edmond64
Well I did scenery for years thought a/c would be a nice change :sad: nearly completed the model then.......................FSDSV3 came out :sad: :sad: but still working on it. Should be released soon :wink:

Posted: 26 Mar 2006, 20:21
by TobyV
Vixus, if you're reading, I found this in an old copy of Air Pictorial, might be of some use to you?

Posted: 26 Mar 2006, 23:46
by Vixus
TobyVickers wrote:Vixus, if you're reading, I found this in an old copy of Air Pictorial, might be of some use to you?

Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 21:15
by britishtourer
Excellent Toby! More info for the stats document I'm making for Vixus for his Optica.

Taxi and Landing lights

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 12:57
by tekman
Hi there to all again, I've still not sorted my non standard main gear animation out. Got the flaps partly sorted but still got problems setting the axis correctly. Anyway another issue that has come to light that I'm stuck with are the taxi/landing lights. I can get them to work fine from exterrior view but cannot see them through the windscreen while using the 2D panel,. Does anyone know how to fix this please? :think: Also is there a way of modifying the height and width of the beam as my taxi lights are giving off landing light power.
thank you