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Posted: 04 May 2006, 19:41
by cstorey
I once (about 1976) lent my helmet to a friend who was going to test fly a Baby Great Lakes , which he had built , out of Barton. He came back and said that the aeroplane was super , but that my helmet was not in such good shape.It turned out that even at a slow cruise it developed so much lift that it was strangling him, so he took it off and jettisoned it in a lake called Carr Mill Dam at St Helens!

I am a very slow learner, because later he asked to borrow a rather beautiful 3 bladed wooden prop to test run a new engine in his workshop. I agreed, and the engine ran beautifully. Unfortunately, he omitted to bolt it down first, and it chased him round the workshop before the prop disintegrated!


Posted: 04 May 2006, 20:18
by mulletman
DaveB wrote:After comparing the UK2000 Old Warden and a shot from Google Earth.. the reason become blindingly obvious.. fences and trees where there shouldn't be any :-$ Most infuriating!!
Maybe theres a nice scenery designer on here that will make some nice free stuff :wink: :lol:

Garry Summons, i beleve (dont quote me) plans to update some of his older scenerys, as well as move into Scoland and ireland. Lets just hope Horizon/Getmapping doo too. Its long term though (hes being honest). 2008 before they are even nearly all completed.

I use the scenery from for Barton, and authough it makes for a tricky approach, and you can see the default autogen poking through the scenery, its fun. Has a few Tiger moths flying around too :smile:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:16
by Jetset
I hope it does get updated, especially the extension of vfr into Scotland.