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Posted: 10 May 2006, 09:53
by AndyG

Good luck with it. I mentioned the FSUIPC section as 'bunny hops' sounded a little like a throttle problem to me, simplistic soul that I am. :smile:


Posted: 10 May 2006, 16:15
by david balmer
yes i have downloaded the patch, to no avail. yesterday i tried out the A400 again and when i moved from cockpit to outside view , off she went doing the bunnies. not heard about the FSUIPC. i have only downloaded the none payware version of this. the only other aircraft that FSUIPC heading pops up is the hs748. i have no problem with that aircraft. As i none educated computer user what would i have to look for and alter to try and rectify this problem. :think:
when i learned about computers it was still the days of ticker tape and punch cards. green screens and the best game out there was the moon lander.

Posted: 10 May 2006, 16:23
by AndyG
david balmer wrote:yes i have downloaded the patch, to no avail. yesterday i tried out the A400 again and when i moved from cockpit to outside view , off she went doing the bunnies. not heard about the FSUIPC. i have only downloaded the none payware version of this. the only other aircraft that FSUIPC heading pops up is the hs748. i have no problem with that aircraft. As i none educated computer user what would i have to look for and alter to try and rectify this problem. :think:
when i learned about computers it was still the days of ticker tape and punch cards. green screens and the best game out there was the moon lander.
Ah, I remember that moon lander game well; I used to take great delight in burning the fuel off really quickly and watching the subsequent crash with a morbid glee. My son has inherited the same tendencies; if anybody is familiar with the 'Orbits' interactive part of Encarta, I'm sure you too will have crashed the moon into the Earth more than once. :wink:

Back to the boring FS stuff! David, pop over to the Wilco website and check out the A400 info in the support section; they say that their FD is designed to work without interfacing with FSUIPC, and so some adjustments need to be made. You should be ok, if you follow the instructions. Now, where did I put that copy of 'Asteroids' .......


Posted: 10 May 2006, 16:37
by Garry Russell
Filonian wrote:Could it have to do with our age Garry? :lol: :lol: :lol:

My first flight ever was in a DC3 at a SSAFA display, then Austers, Rapide, aerobatics in a Tiger Moth with a Javelin driver, Cherokee and Monsun.

Sadly, now, old age and poverty prevent real flying. :crying: :crying:

I don't think so

I just think it's ugly

I like the A.320 and that's quite modern and I thought the Stratocruser hideously embarrassing as indeed the short Constellations never did much for me or the Britannia. Of course I never saw a Stratocruiser on the Brit an Connie only once each apart from overflights a high level so my opinion would differ if I had seen them 'live'. Same with this if I see real ones often I might warm to it.

So it's not really a time thing. I just find this contraption ugly.

But I do know what you mean


Posted: 11 May 2006, 08:23
by britishtourer
Stratocruiser, brit and connie ugly? :think:

Are you mad?!!!

Posted: 11 May 2006, 11:54
by Vixus
This is Mr. Russell we're talking about here. He's quite mad. :)

Each to his own, I guess. I've never spotted an aircraft I've thought of as dreadfully hideous.

Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:26
by Garry Russell
The Stratocruiser I described as hideous

The Brit and Connie I said didn't do anything for me but I never saw these aircraft for real, well only once each so I formed affections to types I was surrounded by.

Just because something is old and classic does not make it beautiful.

Favourite types of mine that I saw lots of included Beverly, Argosy and Bristol Superfreighter. I got to love these types but I could never call them pretty.

To have an opinion is not madness.


Posted: 11 May 2006, 17:27
by Reheat
Sorry to drag this back on topic lads but I've just had a reply from Wilco.

"Sorry but we do not have the same issue, a re-install will solve your problem

We hope you continue to Enjoy your Wilco product

If you have any queries other than this please feel free to contact us again"

Despite the fact I had stated I had done this in my support ticket.
