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Posted: 13 May 2006, 03:20
by airboatr
DaveB wrote:Let's face it.. anything that manages to exceed 'Rockie' in terms of remakes and still manages to capture our interest can't be all bad :wink:
Thats heavy man....
true true.
But I was hoping for a New version with some real improvments
not just some roaming animals and poopoo although I would have been impressed if there was steam coming off the poopoo.
:think: I'm I really gonna see em fling mach two in a fighter
or at FL30 in a airliner.. I do some VFR but, they can do better
as for the reused A/C ... you know microsoft has seen the
A/C out online, probably what the software guys use to test FSX beta versions and then load the samo samo A/C
they've been using, (Save a few improvments) for the Sim buyers. :-$ (you know they don't want to be to obvious).
With all Microsofts resources they ought to be leading the
world just out of shear pride. but what do they
need pride for anymore,
They got big bucks. they made it. goodie for them.....
and phhhhtttt. on the simmers. from were the money came
thanks billlybob :thumbsup: <<<<(speaking of Bill Gates)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Most high praises to those who have Spanked Microsoft arse
in A/C developmant God Bless you (and man I really mean this)

If fact I'll put my money where, My pie hole is on this one"
I'm taken a hammer to the porcelain piggy and sending DM
some of my cold hard dollars!

Posted: 13 May 2006, 09:02
by Erich
The graphics don't do it for me. Look at other new games out now and they all look far better. MS have just taken the FS2000 graphics engine and updated it again and again. Sorry but's it's looking dated now.
Did you just see the video everyone else saw ? I think your critisism is misguided. What's coming up is WAY more than a rehashed old engine. This will be a bigger leap I think than FS2000 to FS2002 was. Additionally, not only are the FSX developers engaging with the FS community (for quite some time now) , but they are also consulting with 3 party developers during the course of its development which mean great third party add-ons very soon after release. The open-ended architecture for 3rd party development is great news. Upgrade required ? Probably, to basic dual core systems, but we guessed that anyway.

Mike Gilberts blog makes interesting reading. Mike is Program Manager for FSX and may put alot of your misguided concerns to rest. All of what you've seen is being run on DX9 with standard dual core videocards.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 09:27
by airboatr
ok ok
I'll hold my breath..
But Just this once

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 11:09
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
Grand Theft Auto with wings :roll:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 11:32
by airboatr
Avant-Garde-Aclue wrote:Grand Theft Auto with wings :roll:
you know this brings up a point
i know there are some auto addons for FS but it would be nice if it were a little more fluid so when you flew the last leg you could have your driver take you into the city for a beer at the local pub :drinkers:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 12:55
by Chris Trott
Charlie Bravo wrote:I've just watched certain points of that vid several times over and do you know what I could make out..... s s st st stutter !
For f*ck sake when will they learn :doh:
One must remember that this is a beta product that is being displayed. Such a product has many, many extra lines of code that is running to gather information on how the simulation is performing and other code that generates "on-the-fly" error data for later analyzing. This code (which was over 2 million lines in FS2004) causes a large drag on the ability of the program to perform at full speed for a given system.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 14:14
by Charlie Bravo
Chris Trott wrote:
Charlie Bravo wrote:I've just watched certain points of that vid several times over and do you know what I could make out..... s s st st stutter !
For f*ck sake when will they learn :doh:
One must remember that this is a beta product that is being displayed. Such a product has many, many extra lines of code that is running to gather information on how the simulation is performing and other code that generates "on-the-fly" error data for later analyzing. This code (which was over 2 million lines in FS2004) causes a large drag on the ability of the program to perform at full speed for a given system.
I'll have to disagree with that I'm afraid.

FS98 - Smooth.
FS2000 - stuttered like Gareth Gates, Microsoft said we needed faster PC's.
FS2002 - Same graphics engine, code improved slightly to help the stutter.
FS2004 - Again, same graphics engine, code improved again but stutter still exists on a large scale regardless of PC spec.

FSX - Same stutter exists so it's the same graphics engine, again just tweaked to make it a touch better. Same sh!t textures as well, just enhanced a bit.

Conclusion.... we can all look forward to spending £50 on a game that uses a graphics engine written 6 years ago. I think I've just arrived in my pants again :roll:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 14:24
by Chris Trott
I find it to be extremely premature to state what this program is or isn't when you have a few dozen previews and a 1 minute video of a product still in production. Especially when there are now 4 interviews with members of the team who say exactly the opposite of your assertions. In the past they've not pulled punches about what they're doing with the program, so why would they now?

Sorry, but your pessimism is unfounded.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 14:37
by Charlie Bravo
Sorry but it stutters..... again ! Same as it did in the last 3 versions. Beta or not it's stil there and it still will be when it comes out. It's not a brand new graphics engine because so much looks similar to how it does now.

In fact it's just like Windows....

Win 98, update of 95
Win Me, update of 98

Win 2000, update of NT
Win XP, update of 2000

Always an update with MS and never a rewrite.

Posted: 14 May 2006, 08:27
by Jetset
Well, I have watched the video, and I am not impressed! It doesn't make me think "YES, I need this software" not like some of the recent addons have. For example the air sea resuce bit, from my experience Search and Rescue 4 does a better job in terms of the graphics, and comes with rotor wash as standard. Now, before I get axed by people saying "well it's not intended for just SAR, that's just a feature" all I am simply saying is, that for a simulator that is brand new, it's still behind in terms of other cheaper, less cpu hungry software!

I will of course hold back full judgement until it comes out and I actually see it in person, but my first impressions (which I feel are usually accurate) are not making me want to break out the plastic once it becomes available.