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Posted: 13 May 2006, 15:50
by DaveB
For what it's worth, the old boys at Brooklands who worked on Concorde refer to her as 'The bent nail'!! :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 15:51
by tash
RAF engineers call :-

VC10s - Skodas :shock:
Tristars - Timmies :dance:
Tornadoes - Tonkas (No! not VC10 captains, how is MPA by the way? :wink: )
Harriers - the 4 towers of power
Chinook - Chinnie
C130 - Albert
Red Arrows - sparrows
Jet Provost - J.P.
Chipmunk - Chippy
Any helicopter - Cab

While we are on nick names, the British Army call the RAF 'Crab Air' :tuttut:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 15:59
tash wrote:RAF engineers call :-

VC10s - Skodas :shock:
Whats the script with this one then? Image

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:04
by Garry Russell
We used to apply Skoda to ATP

Also at one time the ATP was called Wigwam

Shed = Short 330 (also Vomit Comet)
Super Shed = Short 360
Harold = Herald
Meatbox = Meteor
Tri = Trislander
The beak = Concorde (Not often)
Statuscruiser = Stratocruiser
Gooney Bird = Douglas C-47.
Dak = Douglas DC 3
Noisy Star = Candair DC4M2 North Star
Norman = Nimrod
Converter = Convair CV-880/990
Connie = Constellation
Super Connie = Super Constellation
Whispering Death = Beaufighter
Whispering Giant = Bristol Britannia

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:08
by Vulcan_to_the_Sky!
Only one I know of that has not been posted yet is this:

Lawn Dart - F-16

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:09
by tash
I know I know I know! As Ex VC10s and now on tristars I am very quick to correct them all at work that that is 'the queen of the skys' they are refering to :wink: . I don't think I am able to write the reply I usualy get :shock: . Ahhhhh, inter squadron rivalry, you can't beat it :dance:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:15
Why are VC10's nicknamed Skoda's Tash? :think:

Are they that unreliable or something? :dunno:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:46
by migeater0

Posted: 13 May 2006, 17:00
by tash
Everyone calls them Skodas because they are a bit old and do play up a lot of the time, are also noisy and smoke a bit and belive it or not held together with a fair amount of tape! Also, when the 'supers' were at Abingdon someone stuck a Skoda badge on the yokes of the aircraft to be flown to Filton to be converted into K4's and from then on......... :wink:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 17:05
by Avant-Garde-Aclue
When I was living in Aden the RAF version of the Argosy with the radar thimble on the nose was known as the Screaming Tit