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Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 22:36
by Rick Piper
Well of course there is always THAT VC10 (which I didnt buy)
:think: I thought that was an IL.62 :worried:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 22:37
Rick Piper wrote:
Well of course there is always THAT VC10 (which I didnt buy)
:think: I thought that was an IL.62 :worried:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
No its not a 'Classic'.. :wink: :smile:

Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 22:45
by TobyV
Worse still, theres something purporting to be a Trident out there :worried:

And no, before anyone suggests it, it doesnt look like a Tu-154. Theres a perfect one of those available here :wink:

Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 22:51
by DaveB
There is so much cr@p payware out there (much of which I've bought!), I feel kinda queezy just thinking about it.

On the plus side.. above and beyond any other progs stand two. FSNavigator is the best Fsim prog I've ever bought and doesn't require FSUIPC and the second is FSUIPC itself although for many things, you can get away with the free version :wink: I suppose if I were feeling charitable, I could include ActiveSky but equally so.. FSMeteo, both of which I have and use. ActiveSky has outgrown FSMeteo these days with a host of things to tinker with but it doesn't detract from the fact that FSMeteo is still a very good weather engine. Support is first class too :wink:

No one bought DC's Trident :shock: :-$

:lol: :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 23:06
by jonesey2k
Alaska Cinematic and Misty/Tongass Fjords :smile:

Posted: 04 Aug 2006, 23:15
by blanston12
Of the half dozen or so payware I have purchased the only one I would recommend is the Wings of Power WW2 Jets and Bombers.

I did get the DreamLiner 727 that looks great but it was so slow on my machine and so complicated to use I reverted to Erick Cantu's Vistaliner freeware version.

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 12:32
by Chris Sykes
IRIS and Alphasim for military stuff. both models and quality beat any other stuff!!! Abacus are just Sh*t and need a sortin out as they keep getting away with flogging cr*p!!! few good other stuff like PSS vulcan....

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 20:56
by Angus
Best payware aircraft are probably MAAM DC-3, LDS 767, PMDG stuff, anything by Dreamfleet or Carenado, a lot of Flight1 stuff (ATR 72 especially). Most of my favourites though are freeware - DM's Trident and 1-11, RP's HS748, PT Tu-154.

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 21:58
by Paul K
I've had a couple of Abacus products:

Co-Pilot for FS98 which I thought was brilliant because for me, it opened up FS from doing circuits and bumps to making long distance flights. A very good navigational add-on it was.

The other thing I had was Flight Deck, which was a collection of USN aircraft. Some were fairly good, like the E2C Hawkeye, others were dire. For instance the Grumman Panther was gorgeous to look at, but the panel was laughable. The fuel guage looked like it'd come off a Vespa.

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 22:06
by TobyV
I think the Abacus mentioned earlier is "Abacus Systems Ltd" (aka David Chester) now known as "Addictive Simulations" as opposed to another payware company "Abacus Publications", both of which companies sold payware products and went under the trading name "Abacus". Just in case there was any confusion.