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Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 17:21
by Trev Clark
Cheers Ed, are you still in the US of A? That Spit looks the business, I am always impressed how all you designers (with a few prolific execptions :huf: ) improve so much with each project. The trials and tribulations of the Lancastrian seem like years ago :wink:
Once I have a secure (non internet cafe) connection here in Spain, I think some cash will be spent!!!!

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 18:07
by Ed Walters
Yep - still in the US of A! Will be a permanent fixture here for the foreseeable...

I'm very pleased at the step we took over the Lancaster, and the step that was over the Lancastrian. I hope that the next release :-$ will be another fairly large step forward - things are in place to make it that way.

I'm really looking forward to developing stuff for FSX specifically - it should be possible to do a fair bit of new stuff that will improve the realism of aircraft in a big way.