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Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 12:25
by DaveB
Hi Graham, is a good example but I've never known anything I've ordered be 'hit' (and boy.. I've ordered plenty over the years!!). A number of CI based companies will actually break an order down (if at all possible) into smaller units to overcome any possible import tax problem which is jolly good show as far as I'm concerned. You still get the products a little cheaper than elsewhere and without the sting :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 10:42
by Town
Hi Dave

That's why I say theoretically.

The general public do usually get away with the tax on small imports although there are lobby groups now trying to close up all the loopholes because of the unfair competition (no VAT and that kind of thing).

I know it seems like a good deal not paying the VAT but the government will fill its coffers one way or the other and once you have paid for it - right or wrong there is no cash to come back unless the fault is on their side (wrong product despatched etc.).

The main issue I have is people ordering from "box shifters" like, and then coming to us for support on products and systems we have not supplied.


(Please forgive my little rant :roll: )

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 11:23
by DaveB
Hi Gordon (sri I put Graham earlier.. I thought that was the name on the card you gave Rick!) :worried:

That last point is understood but not, I fear, restricted to 'box shifters' like and the fact that someone has come to you for support rather than to the manufacturer.. well, you're never gonna stop that are you :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 14:11
by Town
It's not that I mind another simmer coming along and asking advice regardless of where he has bought his software or hardware from. Its more a case of someone barracking you because they can get stuff at cheaper than you've got it on for and then having the audacity to ask advice to sort out this problem or that.

I am sure you know the type of people I am referring to but alas I fear you are right insofar as one will never be rid of that type of person. :worried:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 00:10
by hinch
i'll wait a week to get a copy on ebay - there's bound to be hundreds of people who realise they can't run it on their pc.

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 05:13
by Canuck
I don't understand, what is the deal re What makes it any different to any other supplier such as Amazon etc..? Having never bought anything through them I haven't a clue what the objection is.
Sorry if I appear dumb.

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 12:25
by DaveB
Hi Canuck, are based in the Channel Islands which in effect, makes them duty free. This gives them a certain advantage over 'mainland' based companies which is great for us, the buying public but not so if you're a retailer in the same market. We obviously don't pay duty free prices for the goods they sell but they're able to keep their prices just a tad lower than their competitors :wink:
It's worth noting that not ALL the products sell are cheaper than anywhere else on the internet. Some of their electrical goods, PC components (what little they sell) are more expensive but if it's tapes, DVD's, CD's, Games you're after.. they take some beating. Advertised price always includes postage too.

There are occassions where buying from the likes of Amazon can pay dividends, especially where you are buying multiple products as above a certain order price (sometimes £20.. sometimes £30) their postage is free though I've found to my cost many times that Amazon can be a rip off with this too.

There you have it :wink:


DaveB :tab: