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Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 06:48
by jamesstables
Unfortunately can't make it this weekend :sad:
But theres always next time, I've been thinking about doing a trip there soon

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:29
by Chris558
Let the Good Tynes roll.....


I video'd it all as well - It was VERY loud, but BEAUTIFUL! :smile: Wouldn't be half as exciting if it was a pure jet with no props to watch!

A fitting occasion, as it is almost exactly a decade to the day since this beast landed here! (October 17th) :shock:

Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Just a shame she can't taxi anymore. :sad:

Did you to get any footage from the the flight deck Dave?

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:32
by Garry Russell
Nice one Chris

Great to see those props turning. :smile:

Are you going to put up a video clip?


Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:38
by thehappyotter
Nice to see it alive once more.

Thanks, I look forward to a video.

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:38
by Chris558
Yes, I'd love to Garry, but I've never done that before, so I'd need a bit of coaching. Presumably something like 'You Tube' is it?

Then I've still got to get it on to my PC to start with. I should have a disk that came with the Camcorder...just got to find it... :roll:

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:49
by Garry Russell
No Idea Chris as I've not done it.

Recently Photobucket changed where you upload and video is an option there.

May have been before but I never noticed.

"You send it" is another one but not Rapidshare as unless you join you have to wait an hour or more after downloading before you can download another one.:huf:


Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:59
by Chris558
Well I shall try and get it sorted a.s.a.p, for all to enjoy! :wink:

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 01:04
by DaveB
Hi Chris,

Chuffed to bits you made it and yes.. I was on the flightdeck filming away like a good 'un :lol:

Things were not quite so rosey for the 1100 run (which was late!) as engines 1 and 4 refused to light. A subsequent bleed of both engines had 4 turning over nicely but No.1 is tight anyway and needed another go with the spanners.

We went back onboard for the 1400 run more than a little dubious as to what you guys would actually see but as 4 engines had been promised.. that was the plan. You will have noted the lack of GPU so all this was being done off the batteries and come 1400, they were more than a little tired so.. the plan was to light 2 and 3 (these go online very easily) then have a shot at No.1 (in order to bring the generator online). If No.1 failed again, it was unlikely there'd be enough juice left to start No.4 but it had to be tried. As it turned out.. 2 and 3 ran up (as always) smooth as silk, No.1 fired up (and the lights dimmed.. gulp!!) so we went for No.4. Bless it.. No.4 fired and it's genny came online!!! :dance: Come the end of play.. we'd got 400v and the genny off 4 was giving us a charge of around 23.5v DC.. nothing short of extremely pleasing :wink: BIG sigh's of releif all round :smile:

It is testimony to the accuracy of Frasers Vanguard panel that on 'a number' of occassions, I was able to point out various switch positions/locations to the IC crew which in itself, made it an even more rewarding day for me :wink:

On a more serious note.. this will have to be the last engine run for the foreseeable future due to the fact all the remaining oil we have has a 'best before' date of 1963!!!!!! Some of this had to be used today and even then, we had low oil pressure lamps glowing on 3 of the engines at one point. So.. if anyone out there has or knows of a supply of Castrol 98 (or it's equivalent).. you have a willing recipient. I'll be more than happy to collect :wink: Fuel is not a problem but oil (or lack of) has now become the deciding factor as to how many future runs can be made. We may have an opening for a 28v capable GPU but this offer (made today) may turn out similar to throwing a handful of grass up into the wind and seeing how much you can catch :roll: A GPU we can get around but lack of oil we cannot :sad:

Sri I missed you Chris as it would have been nice to have met you.. so close and yet so far e t c. I was the old looking git with a beard wearing black leather motorbike trousers. My ZX9 was parked in front of a nice silver Merc to the right of EP (as you look at it nose on) :wink: Glad you had a nice day and thought it worth the effort. Had things gone slightly differently, perhaps only 2 engines would have been lit but the team are always mindful that guys like yourself have travelled a long way to see 4 and with some deft spanner work over lunchtime.. 4 is what you all got to see :wink:

I'm going to get hold of another lot of footage taken by one of the team (outside) and splice it into what I took onboard.. that's the plan anyway. I'll see what I can do to make a copy available for you :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 03:31
by jonesey2k
Awesome! I wish I could have been there.

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 12:29
by Rick Piper
I can't beleive i missed it :sad:

Didn't see the thread in time :doh:

Rick :worried: