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Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 21:14
by ChrisHunt
Steve, no problems at all with your point of view. My comment about being a beta tester is with respect to many many people who try the demo then reporting bugs and issues back to MS - a bit like beta testing really.

I should declare at this point that in my day job some of what I do is to develop and test (usually though FAT, CAT and UAT - not money related and if you don't know it really doesn't matter) new systems. I have a few to my name and have been in the business for many years.

Back to good old FSX - Taildragger (Mike) on his forum pretty much indicated that the demo had been rushed and in hind-sight (a wonderful thing) it was probably released far too early; however an MS decision which has reaped rewards (beta testing - unofficial) and brickbats (e.g. this forum).

It is clear that many people have been turned off by the demo but a few are also excited by it (I've managed to contain mine - in a small box under the stairs). I think it would be a good idea to release a second demo when most, if not all, of the bugs have been fixed. Incidentally taking a system to UAT (User Acceptance Testing) when it's full of bugs is one of the big no no's in the real world.

As a final thought (in this post) if the real thing is so good why release a demo with so many flaws?


Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 22:01
by airboatr
Chris wrote:
As a final thought (in this post) if the real thing is so good why release a demo with so many flaws?


I sold tools and sundries for about ten years
And I couldn't imagine taking a tool to a job site to sell
to one of my customers that wasn't up to snuff
have him pay full price and then have the ballskees to
ask him to report any errors to the manufacture in a email
plus tell him that it is a early release
ohh and all the drill bits and acces he has
won't work with out modifications
I mean.. :brick:
what kinda illusion are we under here?????????????? :doh:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 00:21
by DaveB
CH wrote:
As a final thought (in this post) if the real thing is so good why release a demo with so many flaws?
This question has laid heavily with me too Chris and your UAT comment also duly noted. We will probably all buy it in the final evaluation and make of it as we do with 2004. Things move on so you either stay put and stagnate or move with the times and be vaguely happy by the time the next version is ready for release :smile:

I've not known of a 'demo' version prior to FSX and I seriously doubt the wisdom of starting a trend now. :think: In reality, what we are all expecting now should really have been released during the winter of last year and some 8months further down the line.. all in the garden is not as rosey as some would have us believe :roll: I suppose it just goes to show that even mega-companies like M$ can make a faux pas from time to time and M$ are no strangers to this concept :wink:


DaveB :tab: