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Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 12:05
by speedbird591
Here's how the long-awaited trip to Scotland went. Getting the morphine balance right turned out to be important as it might have been a bit of struggle otherwise. But on the day,everything turned out well and I thoroughly enjoyed myself with only minor problems.

I flew from Bristol to Inverness on easyjet and had some breathing problems on the climb out of Bristol which caught me out and I thought I might have to ask for oxygen. The pilot had said he'd asked for a higher altitude and I think he said 36,000 which is quite high for such a short flight. But I remembered the breathing exercises I'd learnt at a hospice workshop and I was OK when we levelled out. I was a bit worried about the return but didn't want to say anything in case they didn't let me fly. But in fact I was fine on that one.

My other concern was the very important trial about what 'Avoid Alcohol' means in the advice leaflet of the morphine! Especially as oramorph contains a small amount of it anyway. So in the interest of medical science I took the course of avoiding thinking about alcohol. It worked well. A couple of pints on evening one led to a bottle of wine and a couple of liqueurs on evening two followed by the works for lunch and dinner on day three :party:

I can assure you that there are no side effects to worry about. You can drink to excess and feel no pain at the same time :lol:

On the other hand - staying awake the next day can be a challenge! I'm afraid that instead of looking at some of the most spectacular scenery in the British Isles from the train, I spent a lot of it snoring :$ I did wake for lunch, though, and my mate woke me if there was anything particularly interesting. I didn't manage any photos either - so apologies for that.

But now we know we can do it we might do Glasgow and the West Coast next month ...

So that's today's update. Morphine is great when you find the right balance and doesn't interfere with your party life. It could be a problem if you have to entertain someone in between parties, though!

Ian :)

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 12:30
by dodger
Hello Ian,

Thanks for the update, glad you had a good trip, shame no photos though!

About dozing off! i went to the Greenwhich Museum last year with the family and after walking around we went into the Planetarium, it was a bit cold outside but after settling in the seats [they lay back so you don't do your neck in] the program started and i dropped off and did'nt see any of it, it was when the lights came on my sister-in-law realised i was asleep, thankfully i had not been Snoring!


Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 12:34
by Airspeed
Thanks for the update.
Go for it, Ian!
You're learning all the time! :thumbsup:

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 17:40
by Tomliner
Hi Ian.I'm so pleased that you enjoyed your brief break.You said
On the other hand - staying awake the next day can be a challenge! I'm afraid that instead of looking at some of the most spectacular scenery in the British Isles from the train, I spent a lot of it snoring I did wake for lunch, though, and my mate woke me if there was anything particularly interesting. I didn't manage any photos either - so apologies for that.
Should you decide to go ahead with your next trip,presumably via the West Coast Main Line,as there is also some gorgeous scenery on that route,may I particularly recommend nodding off in the proximity of the Lakes through Cumbria?
Also between Lockerbie and then North through South West Scotland is perfect dozing country.
However,please ensure that you are fully alert for the run through Glasgow,apart from the Clyde crossing.After which I recommend a further lengthy kip until you reach Oban.You will then arrive fully refreshed in order to enjoy your stay.
Hope you find my suggestions helpful. :hide:
Seriously,have a good trip mate. :thumbsup: EricT

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 18:53
by airboatr
Good to hear you're out and enjoying the sites Ian.

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 20:54
by Jon.M
Hi Ian,

It's good to hear the trip went well. It's also good that the alcohol warnings proved unfounded in your case. It would be a shame to have to give up just when you don't have to worry about it's effect on your health. ;) :cheers:


Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 00:46
by petermcleland

In yesterday's Telegraph (Saturday), in the Travel section, there is a good article on the train journey from Glasgow to Mallaig...It looks to be a pretty fabulous journey with very much not to be missed! It is in the centre pages :)

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 09:27
by speedbird591
Tomliner wrote:I hope you find my suggestions helpful
:lol: :lol: :lol: Helpful and amusing thank you Eric! I shall definitely come to you for trip advice in the future.

And, thanks also for the tip about the article re the Mallaig line, Peter. I found it and read it and it was very useful.

I'm more familiar with the West coast of Scotland having driven the area several times and visited Oban, Fort William and Mallaig on a few occasions. But what I haven't done is a railway tour whilst asleep. So that would be a first - and thanks to Eric's guide, quite achievable :lol:

I did take a couple of pictures on the Kyle line so if I post one here you might have a wee bit of sympathy for me ...


Ian Image

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 15:48
by Tomliner
You're very welcome Ian.Pleased I was able to help. :thumbsup: EricT

Re: Another One Bites the Dust!

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 20:05
by speedbird591
It's been a little while since I've updated this thread. It's not because nothing's happened but there have been a couple of subtle changes which have affected me perhaps more than I would have thought. So this report is a bit more depressing than usual. Oh well - I'll have to go downhill sometime or you'll all think I'm malingering :lol:

The growth of the cancer has become more physically obvious and the pleural sheath around my lung is now noticeably hardening and thickening and sort of clamping around my right lung restricting my breathing - although it doesn't affect the left lung. So I can still walk a reasonable distance as long as I don't rush. This growth is pushing down on my liver which is starting to protrude slightly from below my rib cage and wearing a belt is uncomfortable so I've had to take to braces instead! I look like a retired American farmer and all I need is a rocking chair in the porch!

My legs - well, all of me, has become weaker and this also slows me down. I mentioned to Eric the other day that I had had an unexpected heavy fall at home when my legs gave way. I was uninjured but very shaken as I'd never had one before and now I'm conscious that I have to be aware all the time and will probably have to use my dear old Dad's walking stick soon for safety's sake. (Don't worry - he doesn't need it any more :lol: )

I've taken delivery of my new recliner bed -which is fantastic. It's a Tempur top-of-the-range memory foam job and contorts itself into all sorts of shapes. It didn't take long to find a position that suits me so I can now sleep all night and wake up in exactly the same position in which I went to sleep which is a weird feeling at first - but long may it last!

I've had another session with my excellent GP just to fine tune the painkillers and the morphine remains my main relief and I haven't needed an increase yet. The side effects are starting to show, though. He'd warned me about morphine causing constipation and he was right - so he's prescribed Senna for me to to keep that under control 'naturally' and I'm also starting to notice cramps so he's doing some blood tests to see if I'm OK to take extra calcium, in the form of crampex, or whether I need something else.

I did have a very bad pain day on Monday and was in a bit of a state. It wasn't until Karen came home and picked up a flourescent pink tablet from under the bread bin and asked 'Is this one of yours?' when I realised that it was my day's morphine dose that had rolled along the worksurface instead of being swallowed. So I'd gone most of the day without morphine :lol:

It doesn't look like I'll be buying any exotic cars any time soon. It's more likely that when I pass the Yaris on to Tom I'll just borrow it occasionally and rely on taxis, lifts or public transport. And then I'd better start looking at buggies, I suppose.

Still - that's a few weeks away yet, I hope.

Ian :)