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Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 03:03
by Airspeed
Garry Russell wrote:well...I never listen to the radio, have owned maybe ten records in my life and never bought a music CD...I don't listen to music as such ever :lol: ...I just play my own stuff on the keyboard.

Never even used a car radio

Generally though I find anything form the 1930/40s an instant turnoff, not just music the whole shebang

If a time machine took me back to those times, I think I'd shoot myself :lol:

Oh...and I don't have a TV either :hide:
Apologies, Garry, :doh:
We already know that you're a brave lad! :welldone:
Didn't know that you had keyboard talents. Still doesn't cover what you play, though. Are you a free form jazzer, classic, blues? :dunno:
Disappointed that you don't like 30s, it has a real charm for me. Obviously all the same sentiments expressed, but in such a gentle way. :agree:
1940s leaves me cold, such a sudden shift to manic noise, guess as is often the case, the young folk of the day wanted to do something very different, and if it annoyed their parents, so much the better! :OB: :rock: :OB:

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 12:33
by FlyTexas
DelP wrote:Brian..

..apologies, late to this, belated greetings :hello:

I was born in '56 and this year I'm 56...spooky, huh..

Just for you Brian :lol:


Derek :hide:
Thanks Derek! :) Steely Dan put out some great tunes in their day...Do It Again, Rikki Don't Lose That Number, Dirty Work, Peg, Hey Nineteen, etc. :thumbsup:


Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 12:56
by DelP

..and don't forget this:

Hope you had a good day....

Derek ;)

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 15:15
by Filonian
Damn, another one missed.

Hope you had a great day Brian. :cheers: :party: :guinn: :rock:


Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 17:55
by FlyTexas
Thanks Graham. :)


Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 07:08
by Vancouver
Garry Russell wrote:well...I never listen to the radio, Never even used a car radio .... Oh...and I don't have a TV either :hide:
Can I have your address in Pyong-Yang. 8)

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 07:21
by Garry Russell
Not that :lol:

It's just distracting background noise which I can live regards the TV I am not paying the licence fee (1.75 times a weeks income) for something I don't want to watch. When it was there, I never watched the main terrestial channels...too much reality crap on.

I have better thing to do :)

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 12:03
by Airspeed
Sorry to bring this up again Garry;
You still haven't told us what you play on your keyboard. :dunno:
If you are doing fugues, perhaps you should lay off for a bit, :shhh: I see a post about BA & FOG.

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 12:51
by Garry Russell
I don't do or even at time understand labels

I play mostly, but not exclusively my own stuff, wherever the mood takes me :)

It's a mixture of things...if you did have to put a label on it it would probably be "crap" :lol:

Some (rarely) is classical style, but others styles include Ballads, Heavy Metal, Rock and roll, Rhythm and Blues, Blues, Country, folk...whatever I feel at the time :)

Nowadays I'm more restricted than I was due to joint problems and only bought a keyboard just before Christmas after being without for four years :((

It is though very much my on style mostly and putting a label on it is pointless which is why I always avoid the question. :) :hide:

Re: Music: I Wish I Was Eighteen Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 13:17
by DaveB
if you did have to put a label on it it would probably be "crap" :lol:
We'll have to start a band mate. I can play crap too :rock: :lol:

DaveB B)smk