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Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 18:33
by TSR2
Hi Chaps, works a treat in FSX but not in P3D. Even using the key commands, it looks like a bug in P3D as it doesn't just move the eyepoint, it moves the whole cockpit up and down, i.e. its as though the nose gear is being raised/ lowered rather than your seat *-)

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 19:03
by DaveB
Ok chaps.. it was worth a go for you anyway. At least you have one for FSX now even if you don't use it :lol:

Unless DM gets P3D or builds you a nice VC for your VC10.. it looks like this is gonna be a no-go.

DaveB B)smk

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 19:11
by TSR2
TBH Dave, even with a VC you should be able to raise your seat, so I think there is a bug in P3D :cpu:

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 19:52
by SkippyBing
Odd, when I use Shift+Enter or Backspace the eye point moves up and down and the cockpit stays where it is.
Mind you I'm still on 1.3 as I haven't got round to downloading 1.4 yet.

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 20:04
by TSR2
Hi Skippy,

That sounds right, as I'm sure I used it successfully in P3D a few months back... I suspect its a cockup :lol:

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 20:22
by TSR2
I've raised it as an issue on the P3D forum. :cpu:

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 21:23
by speedbird591
Are you seeing it with other aircraft as well as the VC10?

I've only got three other aircraft at the mo and they're all fine. DM's 1-11, DG's DH89a and Carenado's Centurion. They're mapped to Eyepoint (move down/up) and move incrementally for each button press.

Not 2D panels, though.

Ian :)

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 22:43
by TSR2
Hi Ian,

its happening with all the aircraft, including the default ones when your in the 2D view. The 3D view is working normally.

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 23:05
by DaveB
However, it didn't work :lol:
Nice to see it's P3D and not the gauge that doesn't work! ;)

I'm sure the answer will come with v1.5 or whatever is next :)
DaveB B)smk

Re: VC10 at Kai Tak

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 23:33
by DanKH
I'll take a small peek at it as well ;-)