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Posted: 09 May 2006, 11:19
by TobyV
As far as steering down the runway, I believe there was a wire under the centreline of major runways (certainly LHR) which the autoland system tracked on roll-out.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 11:22
by Charlie Bravo
TobyVickers wrote:As far as steering down the runway, I believe there was a wire under the centreline of major runways (certainly LHR) which the autoland system tracked on roll-out.
Wasn't aware of that, thats clever stuff.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 11:22
by Garry Russell
Charlie Bravo wrote:
Kevin wrote:CB is right.

Don't forget that the Trident avionics were early 60's technology and, of course included the triplex autoland: that's a LOT of bulk to fit underfloor!


:lol: :lol:

OK CB you win I missed that bit



Posted: 09 May 2006, 11:24
by Charlie Bravo
Thanks mate, I'll be round in a bit to collect my prize :wink: :smile:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 12:30
by Jetset
Tonks wrote:
Funny how you said co-piltos Tonks, I take it captains can and that's why they gain the rank?

Don't forget Tonks, you were a co-pilot once, how was your runway positioning.
It's just banter Jetty :wink: ... and no, I couldn't land in the middle either :lol: :lol:

Tonks :dance:
I know Tonks! I am sure your landings are fine.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 12:40
by petermcleland
Well you bashed the answer to death...But there was a consequence of this offset nosewheel...It made the aircraft out of trim when the gear was down.

When lowering the gear for landing, one trimmed out this condition with about a turn and a half of the rudder trim wheel.

However, officially one was not permitted to do this prior to take-off, in case you forgot to wind it off again when the gear came up...So you took off with the aircraft slightly out of trim and this led to the two different crosswind take-off limits...One limit for a crosswind from the left and a different figure if the crosswind was from the right.

I'm sure you really wanted to know that :-$

Posted: 09 May 2006, 12:46
by Jetset
Actually any new info I can remember is good for me. Thanks!

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:01
by andy
TobyVickers wrote:As far as steering down the runway, I believe there was a wire under the centreline of major runways (certainly LHR) which the autoland system tracked on roll-out.
That'll be AFCAD2 then................... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reply to Mr. Mcleland

Posted: 09 May 2006, 18:40
by airboatr
Thank you for sharing your first hand knowledge on this matter.
YEah for some it maybe more than some care to know, but for me...
I want to know. Of course the explination of the offset gear is not hard to understand. whether it be for design, or the avionics, or a bigger beer cooler, the understanding of a dynamic force applied to the aircraft
when the gear is down is more interesting the the question of location.. :think:
very interesting indeed.
Also I'lll take another look at the gear lowering...... thanks Garry

Posted: 09 May 2006, 18:47
by DispatchDragon

I wondered how long it was going to take a swamper to bring up
beer coolers :lol:

Betcha his pickup truck has a bumper sticker that says "Alligators -
natures speed bumps" - any of you who have been to FLA will understand


ermm BTW - you dont go to Jacksonville for the Cocktail Bowl do you???