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Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 22:31
by andy
Abacus Publications have given us the excellent FSDS program, without which, many of the excellent freeware aircraft would not be available. :smile:

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 22:51
For me the best Payware I own has to come from the likes of Aerosoft (for their Tri-star!) and Carenado's products look superb.

The worst has to be that default look-a-like 737 in Air France livery that Garry mentioned a few days ago. :sicky:

Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 23:32
by Garry Russell
An older bigger boy told me to! :sad: :worried:


Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 11:22
by Town of_Hgate
DaveB wrote:
No one bought DC's Trident :shock: :-$

:lol: :lol:


DaveB :tab:
I stand testimony to that. It has been in front of over half a million people and no one has bought it from my store, an awful lot of people however really like the VC10 (and yes we allow everyone a tryout of the aircraft on computer before they buy it).

Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 12:20
by DaveB
Hiya ToH :smile:

I suspect that many.. the majority of customers who buy the VC10 are not aware of the freeware version or are those kind of folk that presume that freeware is junk and payware is 'the business'.. well it must be as they've paid for it!! :wink:

I actually bought the payware version not long after it came out to see how it compared to ours and ok.. you can consider me more than a little biased but subjectively.. it doesn't hold a candle to the freeware model in any respect. The few that would say the payware model is better than DM's must have little or no experience of the real thing but good luck to them. Without such folk, you'd be hard pushed to make a living and each to their own :wink:

Btw.. I didn't buy the Trident for comparison. Seeing the screenshots and my experience with the VC10 was enough :tuttut:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 12:47
by Garry Russell
Try before you buy is probably the reason it can't be sold.

On the box it is pics of the real aircraft or at least on the bit they show on the net........and looks good..........inside is something else.


Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 13:09
by Town of_Hgate
To be honest I think people just are not interested in the Trident as it was not a particularly well liked aircraft when it was flying for real.

But you are right about the horses for courses situation, I have had people pick up titles that we have on display and tell me they are "crap" because they are too complicated. They just want to "jump in something" and hoon about the place :lol:

Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 14:38
by TobyV
To be honest I think people just are not interested in the Trident as it was not a particularly well liked aircraft when it was flying for real.
Dont come on my forum and say that :axe:


Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 16:26
That Trident and VC10 try before you buy sounds like a great idea. Although I think perhaps the wording should read - TRY BEFORE YOU CRY. :poke:

BTW as a nipper, I never ever heard a bad word said about the Tridents when they flew into EGCC. :tuttut:

Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 16:58
by AndyG
VEGAS wrote:BTW as a nipper, I never ever heard a bad word said about the Tridents when they flew into EGCC. :tuttut:
As a nipper I never heard a bad word said when a Trident was on the flightpath for Gatwick; ah noise reduction, tis a wonderful thing!!! :lol:
