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Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 09:27
by DaveB
.. and a jolly fine looking building it is too Ben :thumbsup:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 17:41
by TSR2
A little bit of progress while still waiting on some more info. Buildings 206 and 103...



Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 17:44
by DaveB
How many of those buildings are you going to make Ben? The latest pair look great :thumbsup:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 17:57
by TSR2
All of them Dave... If I can. There are two significant buildings still to be done on the south side. I've got photos, but because of the size / shape, they don't cover enough to even begin to guess at height. On the NAD side (North) there is lots to do. Some of the buildings I can make a fair stab at, and will do. Still haven't decided what to do about the Radar Research building which went up when they moved in from Pershore. Colin got me some great pics of the old Vulcan dispersal so I should really get that done too. I've resent the email I sent a few months back to my original contact at BAHG, but no response yet. :cpu:

Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 18:01
by DaveB
I've resent the email I sent a few months back to my original contact at BAHG, but no response yet
Good luck with that 8)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 01:53
by TSR2
Well, going to crack on with the bits of info I have. Some of this is best guess based on what I can get. Tonight's instalment is the Apprentice Hanger (202) on the NAD side.


Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 03:44
by Airspeed
You're on fire, Ben! :thumbsup:

Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 14:39
by TSR2
Building 203...


Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 20:44
by TSR2
With info drying up, some of these are best guess. 127 and 125 were a pain in the arse and I'm really not happy with them. Although they are both very similar and I reused the base model for both each of them took more than double the time of 211 and 213 combined 8)





Re: Building RAE Bedford for FSX

Posted: 14 Jul 2014, 03:03
by TSR2
121 in progress...
