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Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 20:36
by GHD
I lied Dave :$

I didn't have EGS2 active in P3D.

This is what it looks like:


Transparent runways are a recent addiion to ADE.


Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 20:50
by DaveB
You wickle fibber! :lol:

OK George.. is the suggestion to leave 'as is'? I'm happy enough with it as it stands :) Been a while since I've been up in a Rapide over Duxford and can't remember if the 'real' grass runway is marked up as per the ACG version *-)

Dave B)smk


Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 20:54
by GHD

Load AFX_EGSU.bgl into ADE.

Select "Lists->Arons", ckick on "Reset All Draw Flags" then "Close".

Select "Lists->Taxi Links", click on "Reset All Draw Flags" then "Close".

Save somewhere.

Compile somewhere, then replace AFX_EGSU.bgl with the bgl files created by ADE.


Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 21:08
by DaveB
Hope you get sorted with that Paul ;)

George.. a quick google and I'm happy to leave as-is :)

Dave B)smk


Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 04:46
by Paul K
GHD wrote:Paul,

Load AFX_EGSU.bgl into ADE.

Select "Lists->Arons", ckick on "Reset All Draw Flags" then "Close".

Select "Lists->Taxi Links", click on "Reset All Draw Flags" then "Close".

Save somewhere.

Compile somewhere, then replace AFX_EGSU.bgl with the bgl files created by ADE.
George, thanks, I'll give that a try on Sunday when I have more time. Working 12-hour days at the moment. I shall report back.

Dave, thanks. Yes, I'd like to get it sorted as there's another add-on airfield that's showing a load of taxiways and hard stands in ADE, but only the typical wartime triangle of runways in the sim - no taxiways to be seen at all. :)


Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 15:10
by Paul K
Right, I've tried again, following all the instructions..and I'm still nowhere with it.

1 ) I load AFX_EGSU.bgl into ADE, and Reset All Draw Flags for both Aprons and Taxi Links, and that goes fine. I save the airport, as instructed, which saves as EGSU_ADEP2_PVK.ad4 in folder D:\MSFS\FS Design Tools\Airport Design Editor 165\P32\Projects.

So far, so good

2 ) I then go to File / Compile Airport as shown below:


3 ) That brings up the Compile Options panel as shown below, and as you can see I've clicked on 'More Options' ( can anyone see a problem in what I have selected in More Options ? )


3 ) I then click on the Compile button in the lower left corner of the Compile Options panel, and I get this:


In the compilerOutput panel shown above I have the following:

Compiler Errors Found. These were not identified by the Issue Manager. Please let us know
what the compiler error is so that we can improve the Issue Manager.

The compiler message is shown below

ScruffyDuck Scenery Design Engine Compiling
Using BglComp....

Parsing document: D:\MSFS\FS Design Tools\Airport Design Editor 165\!AdeTempWorkOnly\EGSU_ADEP2_PVK.xml

INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2033: XML Parse Error (line, column, error)

ERROR: 76, 34, The attribute 'transparent' on this element is not defined in the DTD/Schema.INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2952: Attribute 'transparent' is not allowed in element 'Runway'!
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2031: Failed element parse <Runway>
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2032: XML Parse Error! Element tree follows:

ERROR: version = 9.0
ERROR: <Airport
ERROR: country = United Kingdom
ERROR: city = Duxford
ERROR: name = Duxford
ERROR: lat = 52.0907407253981
ERROR: lon = 0.132032185792923
ERROR: alt = 38.1M
ERROR: magvar = 2
ERROR: trafficScalar = 1
ERROR: airportTestRadius = 5000.0M
ERROR: ident = EGSU
ERROR: <Runway
ERROR: lat = 52.0904778689146
ERROR: lon = 0.131357610225677
ERROR: alt = 38.1M
ERROR: surface = TARMAC
ERROR: transparent = FALSE
ERROR: heading = 58.0699996948242
ERROR: length = 1427.0M
ERROR: width = 45.9M
ERROR: number = 06
ERROR: designator = NONE
ERROR: patternAltitude = 304.8M
ERROR: primaryTakeoff = YES
ERROR: primaryLanding = YES
ERROR: primaryPattern = RIGHT
ERROR: secondaryTakeoff = YES
ERROR: secondaryLanding = YES
ERROR: secondaryPattern = RIGHT
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2591: Taxi path #61 references a non-existent Runway #6 at airport EGSU.
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2607: Compilation errors detected, compilation failed!

Parse complete!

4 ) I click on the Fix Errors button, and something called the Issue Manager comes up as shown below.


What do I do now ? I haven't a clue. *-)


Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 15:20
by DaveB
I love exercises like this.. open, select, hit button X and Bob's your uncle. How often it actually happens like this is.. well.. it never does does it :wall:

Sri to see you're still having probs with this Paul. Fingers crossed one of the troops sends you a 'fixed' version so you can get on with enjoying the scenery rather than getting completely frustrated (and rightly so) :|

DaveB B)smk


Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 15:47
by Paul K
DaveB wrote: Fingers crossed one of the troops sends you a 'fixed' version so you can get on with enjoying the scenery rather than getting completely frustrated (and rightly so) :|
Yes, I'd settle for a fixed copy of the appropriate file to save any further palaver. I just need this one little fix for ACG's Duxford, and then I can delete ADE for good. :)


Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 16:34
by DaveG
I'll upload mine for you if you like Paul :)
I'm not at the PC at the moment, but I should be able to get it uploaded in an hour or two.


Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 16:57
by Paul K
DaveG wrote:I'll upload mine for you if you like Paul :)
I'm not at the PC at the moment, but I should be able to get it uploaded in an hour or two.
Dave, I'd like very much. Thank you. :thumbsup: