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Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 19:24
by Rick Piper
Hi Tekman

Send the project and fsc file to my e mail and i will take a look.
(by project i mean the 3 drawings you are using and the folder
with correct name same as it appears in your FSDS2 "projects folder.
and the so far version of the aircraft if you have got that far (FS aircraft model)

I can't promise anything but happy to look.

Rick :wink:

Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 11:29
by tekman
Hi Rick, sorry for not responding last night my connection went down, actually it still is so I'm using my sisters net connection at the moment.
It may be a few days before I send the necessary files as I've got be able to sift through a few files first.
Appreciate your offer to take a look though and yes I do have a working example available though obviously incomplete.

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 11:41
by tekman
A few days have turned into a few weeks and then some, sorry Rick just haven't had the time to sort this yet as I've been dealing with more pressing issues.
I've sorted the gear retraction sequence now but I do have a question if you or any other kind soul would be willing to advise please.
Each main gear strut should house a taxi light which I've created and activated via Dave E's tutorial. There's a couple of problems I need to rectify.

How do I attach these taxi light units to the main gear strut without losing the functionality of the lights. I've tried keyframe animation which works fine in FSDS but I can't compile the project because of the naming convention used ie: taxi.light, taxi.Light_1 etc. I don't believe I can use another parts animation tag as again I'd lose the function of the lights.
Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree here and I'll probably kick myself when I know the answer but for now I am deffo in the dark.
Secondly, if and when the first issue is fixed will the lights still activate when the gear are retracted and under the same circumstances when viewed from the 2D panel will I still be able to see the lights through the windscreen?
Obviously I don't want to be able to do this.
Last question for now I promise. This goes back to an earlier post.
Is there any way I can change the width and/or depth of the beam as displayed from outside the cockpit please.

Too much talking sorry people.



Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 11:47
by Rick Piper
Hi Tekman

I'm a little up to my ears currently frantically trying to get the 748 ready.

Basically make the light polys smaller to reduce the width.
My 748 light polys are probably 10mm scale to get the right look.

Hope that helps?.

Rick :wink:

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 12:11
by tekman
Hi Rick, thanks mate that will help. Realise you are very busy at the mo, well you prob are most of the time anyway and I appreciate the response. I'll try the reduced poly size thanks again


Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 12:16
by Rick Piper
Hi Tekman

No problem just explaining why it's not a comprehensive answer.

you might find it easier to use a different colout for the LL polys.

default i think is 255'255'255 (white).

try a mid grey of say 190,190,190 (light will still be white but not as bright)

"Diffuse" is the only colour to adjust.

Experiment as it's far easier than resizing all the light polys in the 2 model views.

Be carful not to use "C" centre to part command when editing light polys as it locks up FSDS3 (FSDS2 is ok)

Rick :wink:

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 12:27
by tekman
That's fine Rick thank you. That centre view function you mentioned I haven't found it to lock up Ver 3 but hey maybe I've got that to look forward to. Thanks also for the tip regarding the colour and brightness. They are taxi lights afterall and shouldn't be so bright as the main landing lights. This is when I can actually work out where they're supposed to go on my aircraft.

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 12:43
by Rick Piper
If you tell me what it is in a PM i will find out for you :wink:

Lights found em

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 12:58
by tekman
Hi all,
Having completed the taxi light animation I thought it would be an easy case of sorting out the landing lights, but I was wrong.
To start with the type of animation required for my landing lights is admirably demonstrated by the default aircraft Lockheed Vega. The landing lights on this craft is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. You press the L or ctrl L and the lights not only come on but rotate to 90 degrees.
I'm not clear on the exact part name and variable that I need to use to achieve this.

Each Light is made up of 3 parts not including the beam and constructed using the same parts pre process facility in FSDS 2. Modelling is done in FSDS 3 but I compile in ver 2. As a temporary measure I named the main landing light holder as l_gear.3 and r_gear.3 just to achieve animation but obviously this works in tandem with the gear retracting. This is not what I want to achieve.
Also I merged my wing project with this animation with the main project, produced the MDL and now it doesn't show up either in the little screen with clouds or in flightsim proper, though the cockpit still shows.
I believe that there must be some kind of conflict between part names I've used but have yet to solve.

I noticed a few models previously that my existing compiled model was appearing smaller on the aircraft selection screen, is this down to a higher poly count than before or am I doing something else wrong please?

Can anyone help please?



Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 10:48
by tekman
I've read somewhere that the parts pre process for aircraft in FSDS aren't used in FS2004 though from trying this using ver 2 I found that it does. However this doesn't solve the issues of mine in the previous post.