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Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 01:54
by DaveB
Forgive me if I'm lost at this time of the night (prop lag in Glasgow!) but I think that's what I said earlier :lol:

I'd done over 30 flights when the lamps went up 20ft early, all at 100% so I lost 5% pilot rating which threw me overall from 100% to 99.9%. However, some 40 flights on (at 100%) I remain (as expected) a Flight Captain at 99.9% but... my flights total is at 70something-point 5 :shock: How the hell can you do something-point-five of a flight?? Was I dragged unconcious from the flightdeck for pulling the lamps up early?? :think:

No.. this can be sorted out. We all have a permanent record in the form of our profile so it is not outside the bounds of impossibilty for an extra line to be added to reflect any previous faux pas while the said faux pas can be worked off numerically.. eg, as I said earlier by completing 'X' number of subsequent flights at 100%.

I'd hate to think that 20-years down the line if I'd still only made this one Fup having completed god-knows how many flights at 100% that my pilot rating was still at 99.9. :tuttut: If an airlines reputation can 'work through' such incidents, then surely we should have the opportunity to redeem ourselves also :partyman:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 10:51
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Guys,

I do agree that there should be some mechanism within the client/database to allow a pilot to return to a 'clean license'. There's a thread going at FlyNET to which I have added my comments as below. Time will tell if anything will be done to alter the current situation. Until then we'll carry on regardless.



Posted at FlyNET
Quantum wrote:Hi Guys,

I'll give my two-penneth here. To a certain point, I agree, no pilot is perfect. The combined efforts of a VA's pilots can bring the VA ranking back to 'top' and will remain at top until another 'event' happens. An individual pilot who has made an error, no matter how hard he strives to improve and make no further errors, becomes stuck below 100%. It's all down to psychology and the fact that this is a game. In most games, if a player becomes 'wounded', through careful gameplay, he can return to 100% 'health'. I think it is an incentive for continued good flying and operating practises that a pilot should be allowed to return to 100% 'health'. You could have a pilot who makes 10,000 flights and takes off without landing lights on and 'bingo' he's lost his exemplary record and has lost it forever. I personally think that there SHOULD be a mechanism within the client/database that rewards pilots with improved/continueing skills by returning their flight average to 100%. The 0.1% makes little difference to load factor but is a dent in pride if a pilot is never allowed to recover it. We all know this is a game so I think a little bit of lee-way is not unreasonable to allow a pilot to get back to the top. We could perhaps have a rolling average of the last 100 flights, and lets face it, thats a lot of flights for a pilot to accomplish to regain his rating. But, it IS an attainable target for him to aim for.

