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Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 16:37
by andy
It's not's as real as it get's! :smile: :lol:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 16:38
by Rick Piper
"as unfinished as it got"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 16:41
by AndyG
Charlie Bravo wrote:Nothing like promoting a new product by releasing a flawed demo :wink:
Well, it didn't seem to hurt the sales of the Captain Sim C-130!!

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 16:49
by jonesey2k
Im pleased as i seem to be able to run with decent-ish fps.
My pc is shafted tho cause I BSOD right after takeoff, I can slew it off the ground but if I do anything mad like change views quick, blammo. Strange because games like FEAR ect run fine... Maybe FS is more of a resource hog then I thought!
Tried different memory to no avail. PSU or CPU is dieing. Im thinking CPU as Ive been running a 500mhz overclock for near 2 years :lol:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 17:31
by Charlie Bravo
Just played the demo. The stutter still exists and the frame rates weren't great.
The sky and water are shit and the game looks ever more dated. I'll keep FS9 thanks.

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 17:35
by Quixoticish
2) The FS guys have admitted that the demo is more-or-less a beta build. They do not have any of the performance tweaks in it that the final software will have. This is due to running out of time to do so before needing to get the demo out. So expect greatly improved performance in the final version.
Whereabouts did they admit this? It would explain a few things, I've noticed a lot of bugs with the stock aircraft and missions that come with it.

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 17:42
by jonesey2k
Good to see that the Dreemfleet Baron works and kicks the MS one in the backside :smile:

Oh and does anybody notice that AA doesnt seem to work? Ive got 8aa and 16af enabled in the driver control pannel and it looks like I havent got any on!

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 17:58
by TobyV

Well I'm going to wait for the proper thing to come out, I'm going to wait for some people to buy it, run it for a bit, see how they get on and see what addons emerge for it. Then and only then will I make a decision on it!

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 18:47
by andy
That's what I like to see Toby...........................a positive decision. :smile: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 19:36
by airboatr
I tol you ...I tol you :tuttut:
bu no whuan leeson :huf:
likea litull chiilren ju gosta eat da candie
eben doe I tola ju ifa ju eatsa
itsa gonna maka youa sicka , to yoa taammie
:doho: ohhhh momma mia :pray: