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Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 06:39
by Boeing464
I'm pretty much of the same opinion as Tonks. None of those aircraft are ugly. I could do much better compiling an "ugly" aircraft list. No vote from me.

Would "GW Simulations" care to enlighten us of his/her identity?

Henk, is that the Shack here in the US? I'd like to kick whoever's arse is responsible for such a pitiful state. Any museum exhibiting an aircraft in a wet and corrosive environment should be prepared to properly protect their collection. Where is the rust coming from? Avro didn't give the Shack it's durability by building it out of steel, did it? :lol:

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 06:45
by henk hugo
Hey Chris!

That is indeed the shack in the states but it is owned by Air Atlantique. Some one else is taking "care" of the aircraft for them

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 09:10
by MarkU
tonymadge wrote:The Avro York has been done.

For FS2004?

The only York I know of is FS-Berlin's version for FS2002, and it doesn't work w/ FS2004 :(

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 10:00
by andy
I know the Shack looks "tatty" to say the least, but I would like to suggest, that most of what appears to be corrosion, could simply be sand which has blown onto the "oily" bits, and stuck there.

One of Henks aircraft wash sessions would probably make a huge difference. :razz:

It would be nice to see her wearing wheel covers, also.
That oil dripping onto the tyre aint doing a lot of good.

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 11:36
by Charlie Bravo
No vote from me either. Some of the above have or are being done and the others don't interest me.

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 13:24
by Michael davies

Well l'm hiding and it aint me :), good to see your doing the Bristol Freighter, another scrubbed off my to do list, dont have a lot of info really but what l do have is yours if your require it, can anybody remember the livery on the old 1:72 Airfix Bristol Freighter, thats the sole reason l want one, used to love that model to death :).

Back on track voted for EE Lightning, you can never have enough Lightnings LOL.

Best regards


Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 15:08
by ascot
Hi guys....been reading these post for months now, what a great place it is, keep up the good work you guys...This is my first post and i ask you to excuse the spelling and typing, so be gentle ok lol

It is almost imposible to chose any one of them but my vote has to be for the nimrod. I know some people in here dont like it and im ready to take the flack lol. Its british and thats what counts right.

going back to a preveous post about flightsim being biassed in favour of US desighns and glass cockpits. I would have to agree, there are stacks of classic aircraft that could be built, not all of them british designs but used here in the uk at some time. what abot a Phantom FGR2 or a hallifax or even a wellington? Some of the great flying boats from the 30's would be nice. stranrare, felixstow and so on. dont forget about the great "what might have been" desighns like the hawker p1081 and 1121 and of course the TSR2.

If i ever get my head round gmax im going to do some of these, so watch this space and get ready to offer advice. cheers fellas

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 16:20
by tonymadge
The Airfix BF was Sabena and Silver City if I recall the York ok I stand corrected it was for FS2002 but to be honest it was a crap lookin plane :D
I think the GW who are you debate has merit but like GW I like to keep my identity secret :wink:

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 16:32
by Michael davies
Ahh Silver City, that was the one :), made my day that little tit bit has :).

Kindest regards


Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 20:07
by GW_Simulations
Bridon Bear wrote:
Also is there any significance to the Cut-Off date you have set....5 Months does seem as if you have something in the pipeline already.. :roll:
The pipeline is completely clogged up!

De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk
Horsa/WACO Double pack
Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina
AW Argosy
North American B-25 Mitchell
British Aerospace Concorde
Meteor/ME-262 double pack.
Boeing 747SP
Boeing 767-300ER
Avro Vulcan MEGA-pack (including 707 & Atlantic)
Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Boeing KC-97
Lockheed Tristar
Vickers VC-10
Red Arrows double pack
Hawker Siddely Trident 3
Douglas DC-7
Airspeed Ambassador

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