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Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 18:59
by DanKH
Here you go: ... l=UltraMon

Or Pete Dowson's wideview utility....

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 20:17
by DaveB
Tks Dan,

Having read through those problems/suggestions.. I'm none the wiser. :roll: I did manage to get Flight Commander to remain open on the second monitor (eventually) but like a number of the guy's who responded on that thread, the framerate drop was intollerable. Most of those guys run multi-monitor setups for views.. eg 3 to 5 additional monitors/views and all I really want to do is open a nav program as I do in FS9.

Seems that FSX is far from sorted in this respect doesn't it :think:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 20:19
by DanKH
Agreed. Luckily I don't have that problem ;-)

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 22:50
by TSR2
DaveB wrote:
Ben.. that reformatting to a larger cluster size would have been handy on sunday.. when I installed a new 500gb drive formatted to 4k :doh:


DaveB :tab:
Thats what got me thinking Dave... I had forgotten that I had that setup on my old system, so borrowed a friends ecternal USB disk to back up my FS drive then re did it last nigh.... Sorry matey. :worried:

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 22:54
by DaveB
Well.. as good luck would have it, I have a 320gb external USB drive arriving tomorrow :shock: I may test it by backing up my current F drive :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 00:34
by ianhind
Or Pete Dowson's wideview utility....
That is useful for running FS utilities on another PC (the way I use Radar Contact).

FSNav runs within FS and hence doesn't work on another PC.

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 01:26
by TSR2
Dave ... Just triek it again with a 64k block size.. I'm finding it v fast. If this 500G drive is only for FS maybe try 32k?

Just a though. :wink:

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 01:39
by DaveB
Hi Ben,

Well.. the only reason I got the drive was for FSX so yes.. that's all it's only ever going to do. Even at 4k, the drive loses some 35gig with formatting pulling it down to a usable 465gig (which I thought excessive until I checked my 160 which formats to 149) but.. I'm open to suggestions. Is 64k markedly quicker than 32k?? :think:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 01:47
by TSR2
Hi Dave,

16k is much quicker than 4k... 64k is as large a block size as you can go, but it is faster on my system. Wat type of hard drive is your 500G?

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 01:49
by TSR2
Just read your other thread... I'd stick with 16GB and see what you think. What Graphics card do you have in that system?