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Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 14:25
by Nigel H-J
Just seen this Nigel. May you soon be fighting fit again.

Thanks Graham that is very much appreciated. Now been out of hospital since last week but boy, do feel tired sometimes even when having done absolutely b*gger all!! :lol: :lol:

Guess other stenturions must have felt the same after having surgery, if you can call it that!

Graham, hope you are looking after yourself as well. Great to see your posts. :thumbsup:


Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 22:33
by simondix
Nigel when I came out of Hospital I went for a walk with my wife down to the bridge at the river about 1/4 mile. I got 200 yards and I was knackered. It was then I realised what it takes out of you and the road to recovery must be taken relatively easy. Keep your chins up and it should work out alright.

Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 09:27
by Buggyman
Nigel, life as you knew it is going to be on the back burner for quite a while. Everything takes time but slowly you will improve, you will know when it does because people will tell you even when you think otherwise :) .

I took a year to regain the ability to read and comprehending what I was reading. Even now I lose concentration and have to have another go on occasion.

Take it easy.


Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 12:06
by plumber
Following my stent fit I was enrolled in a Cardiac Rehab programme run by the Local NHS Hospital. During which over a period of several weeks you were put through various exercises increasing in tempo as the weeks passed. In addition we were given lectures on how to have a healthy lifestyle. Post this period we were passed to the local gym who formulated an exercise plan. During the current crisis I don't think this is possible however there must be a programme available for you to follow.
Hope you have a good speedy recovery.
Brian H

Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 15:21
by Nigel H-J
Simon, Allan and Brian thank you very much for your experiences, not as though any-one of us would like to repeat I hasten to add!! :lol:

I have to admit that I am probably trying a bit too hard as have been out in the garden doing some weeding and gentle hoeing of the soil. Spent about an hour outside as it is such a lovely day, during that time I observed one butterfly and a bee doing their rounds on some of the flowers that had bloomed. I thought it was too early in the year for butterflies but it was definitely a butterfly.

I had wondered about physio Allan as when I first had a heart attack 10 years ago I went to the hospital for it though have one big problem, I have trapped nerves in my spine L4 and L5 as well as arthritis this makes moving around painful for me, yes, I was gardening but I won't just sit around feeling sorry for myself and manage with a stick to walk but not very far and when shopping have a wheelchair so I can push myself around which also gives me the exercise I need in the upper torso. So am not able to take on the exercise one would normally be expected to do, but the hospital physio gave me plenty of chest exercises after my first heart attack which I can still do whilst at home.

I have a sneaky feeling that any appointments will be delayed due to coronavirus and I don't particularly wish to go to hospital to a busy out-patients clinic either.

Babs is very good with a healthy eating lifestyle but sometimes rattles me as there are no scoffing choccy biscuits or cream filled buns!! :lol: :lol:

Maybe as a treat once in a while though.

Again, many thanks for your comments, it really is very helpful and reassuring for me knowing what other members have gone through. :thumbsup:


Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 16:02
by Buggyman
Nigel, I too have spinal problems. Another story of woe that I won't bore you with. Physio is ongoing and has been for years, it is just a case of maintaining what I have in the best condition possible.

Living in the country we can take our dogs for walks thanks to a rugged electric buggy as I cannot walk very far. I have another tiny buggy that fits in the car so I can accompany my wife on shopping trips 8) Oh joy.

So we make the most of what we have.



Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 16:25
by Nigel H-J
Hi Allan, just to let you know as with every-one else, had a phone call from the hospital physiotherapist..........There will be no physio but are going to send me some exercises to do.

Can't wait!! :lol:


Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 20:17
by Buggyman
Had 4 disappointing phone calls today;
1 from my physio to say they were only taking emergencies from now on.
1 from my optometrist to say my appointment was cancelled until further notice.
1 from my dentist to say the same.
1 from my wife to say she was coming home with the shopping :lol:

Actually, can't complain as she brought quite a few treats to see us through the next few weeks - thank heaven for a full freezer.



Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 23:07
by simondix
Nigel, the butterflies are now emerging from winter hibernation, Small Tortoiseshells, Commas and Brimstones about. Bumblebees, solitary bees and hoverflies also out. Down the road were plenty of Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps which in this case were spring migrants so enjoy it. Judging by the news tonight we will all be spending time in our gardens.

Re: Wish me Luck!

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 23:30
by Dev One
simondix wrote:
23 Mar 2020, 23:07
Nigel, the butterflies are now emerging from winter hibernation, Small Tortoiseshells, Commas and Brimstones about. Bumblebees, solitary bees and hoverflies also out. Down the road were plenty of Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps which in this case were spring migrants so enjoy it. Judging by the news tonight we will all be spending time in our gardens.
And with the lack of pollution been the healthiest for years....?