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Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 10:06
by Garry Russell
The Breguet Atlantique and Atlantic 2 was another type with Tynes


Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 10:09
Sheer class. Thanks for that brilliant vid Chris! :thumbsup:

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 10:22
by Garry Russell
Thanks Chris

Brings back memories of the sixties :smile:



Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 12:07
by DaveB
Hi Chris,

Lovely footage. Don't ya just LOVE that sound!! :kissu:

You'll note that No2 and 3 were fired up first and left at low ground idle (these start as easy as turning the key in your car) then No1 which spent very little time at low ground. Reason being we were seeing lots and lots of degree's C from the EGT gauge so it was upped to high ground to cool it down!! :shock:

Pity about that bloody fire truck. You could almost hear it on the flightdeck! :curse: You must let me know how you did that Chris so I can have a go at uploading the inside version :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 12:15
by petermcleland
Thanks Chris :crying:

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 16:12
by Nigel H-J
Chris, that was just awesome, many many thanks. :dance:

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 19:14
by Chris558
Glad you all liked it!

The Props look a bit strange in that low quality and it froze a bit in places but yes, the sound ain't half bad is it! There was even a bit of Prop noise to top it off!

Dave, yes I did notice that no.1 was the last of three to start but first to wind up more fully. I've noticed on the Avion DVD's that Vanguards and Belfasts always seem to have their Tynes wound up to that higher ground idle or taxi speed before they actually taxi (whereas Darts stay at lower ground idle until they taxi.) The Temperature factor you mensioned may be why.

I was concerned about that Fire Engine, I know it has to at the absolute readiness but surely it could've had its engine off - it doesn't take as long to start that one. :lol: but once Echo Papa 'Superb' was singing loud 'n' proud, I needn't have worried.

I wonder how far away EP could be heard? I was imaginging some locals, unaware of it all, saying, "There's that strange noise again, what on Earth could it be?"

Now all I need is for XM496 'Regulus' to run and capture that on Video, but every Kemble Air Day, it never flippin' happens! :roll:

Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 23:06
by AlexP
Great stuff Chris!! Thanks for posting, next best thing to being there!!!.

Also thanks for bringing to my attention the fact that Photobucket is able to host videos, it’s given me an idea. Time for a bit of experimentation. Hopefully if all goes well you guys will get to see the results this weekend.


Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 00:50
by DaveB
Funny you mention the noise Chris..

At the end of the 4-engine run, one of the guys on the flightdeck said 'I bet that's wound a few of the neighbours up' :lol:

My cunning plan to edit the DVD fell very heavily on stoney ground as none of the software I have/had (including Windows Movie Maker) could not import the DVD file for editing :roll: My digicam doesn't have a firewire connection so it couldn't be streamed into Pinnacle either :doh: However, I have bought a copy of Pinnacle Studio 10.5 which claims to be able to do such things (it arrived today but sits here unopened) so I'll have another look at the first opportunity :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 02:31
by jonesey2k
Does your graphics card have VIVO capability?