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Re: Garry Russell

Posted: 05 Oct 2015, 08:33
by dfarrow
'Fraid i'm late to the wake , been away and then the landline being down for 2 weeks . Saddened to hear the news of Garry's death , but thankful that Rick was able to find out and pass on to the forum . I'd heard of ' closure ' , but luckily not had to experience it in our family . Now I know what it means , and that even bad news is better than a vacuum and the unknown .
Garry , RIP and thank you for all your fine work , humour , and encyclopedia like knowledge .

rgds dave f .

Re: Garry Russell

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 22:03
by Hot_Charlie
Me too...

Very sad to hear. As a somewhat irregular visitor these days (since about 2007) it'd been a while since we'd corresponded.

RIP Garry.

Re: Garry Russell

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 09:53
by Chris Sykes
Such sad news :((

Condolences to family and friends.

Re: Garry Russell

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 13:06
by mgchristy
Such awful news. Although I don't frequent the forum as much as I used to, I recall Garry being a fixture here at CBFS in years past....and I certainly have enjoyed much of the fine work he contributed to the FS community.

Rest in peace, Garry.

Re: Garry Russell

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 17:46
by gordon-in-aberdeen
Hi folks,

Just popped in here for the first time in ages, not been in for months but first thing I did when I looked in was to come to Escorts and Stewards to see if we'd had any news from Garry. My heart sank as soon as I saw Dave's thread title, the plainness of Garry's name was a tell-tail I suppose of the content.

My deepest condolences Aija and the family, it was a pleasure to converse with him over the wires and be entertained by both his wit and knowledge.

A good thing to value in here I think is the history he's left with us, to read over and over again and enjoy :agree:

R.I.P. Garry my friend, hope your doing fine wherever your are now :party: