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Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 11:25
by DaveB

There are 4 aircraft on the fleet currently showing zero worth and all, I presume, flown since introduction of the latest version. My Viking is one and is already booked EGMC to LFAT. I'm going to do the flight rather than cancel and fork out for the fares as Ivan has managed to complete 4 such flights with his Dove at 0v$!!

Point is, how much is maint going to cost us for these 4 aircraft.. the cost of 4 new aircraft perhaps??? :think: The alternative is to continue using them with no apparent loss which works fine for me :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 12:27
by DanKH
You sneaky one you.. :smile:

I wont say I haven't been tempted, but alas I'm at work, and my PC is 10 miles away......but I might tweak in a flight or two this evening ;-)

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 13:17
by RAF_Quantum

The maintenance is still based on % aircraft so carry on using them per current policy unless you hear otherwise.



Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 23:35
by DispatchDragon
John - Guys

Weve had five Flynet induced CTDs in the last 48 hours across the road here and I just got the mysterious baffling perfect flight NO Bong syndrome

Have you folks been experieicning any dificulties??


Leif and the gang of Hooligans next door

(thats where all the splashing sounds come from :)

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 01:33
by DaveB
Hi Leif,

No.. no CTD's at all here but I've had to wait a while for the 'bong' on occasion. I used to remove the brake and roll for a second or two which seemed to help but don't bother anymore. Instead, I've got into the practise of cutting the engines shortly after the parking brake to save fuel!! Worked so far :wink:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 06:58
by DispatchDragon

Yes thats my practice - usually I set the brakes and shut her down and do the close down checks - didnt happen - plus several of the lads have had odd CTDs on flights over the last few days - I was just curious if anyone else had experienced anything similar



Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 11:10
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Leif,

Not flown much myself lately due to pc probs and rebuilding my new machine. CBFS has been pretty active and I only know of one instance where a pilot had a few problems getting a flight not registering by FlyNET. I've yet to get confirmation but I suspect it may have been an error not closing the client down before flying the next flight which is a known bug. Looking at the number of pilots and VA's at FlyNET now, it may be that the site is experiencing greater traffic and the wait for 'the bongs' is delayed accordingly. In the past when I've had a delay, I've gone and made a coffee with FS in pause mode whilst the client waits to respond. Not heard of any CTD's recently. CTD's in the past nearly always are a problem with scenery or aircraft. Seeing as most of the aircraft we use are similar types then it could be scenery (AFCAD clash?) problems. If it's a new type to fleet perhaps an aircraft problem?

Sorry I can't be of more help but hope things get sorted for you soon.



Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 11:10
by DaveB
Rgr that mate :wink: Tks for the HU.. will post here if anything untoward rears it's ugly head :worried:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 16:15
by Captain Pugwash
lost all four engine's during climb out of LFMN. restarted and lost again four mins after. restared and continued the climb. noticed that only one engine was responding to throttle control, via twist stick. had individual engine control via panel. due to lack of controls dumped flight and will restart later today.

Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 17:32
by DaveB
RGr that mate. What percentage was the aircraft on (no.. don't bother, I'll go and have a look) :smile:


DaveB :tab: