Flying for Real..

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by hobby »

Discovery has all the stick on transfers applied. Real life cannot be denied and much recent time devoted to ferrying the wife of an old friend and neighbour to see him in hospital after a massive stroke.

I went up to our club airfield this afternoon armed with a camera to try my hand at taking shots of flying aircraft and was fortunate to witness a member taking his "A" test - he passed and was pleased with the photo taken after the practical test.

Other real life events this week will prevent any progress with my aircraft until the weekend.

Darkness comes quickly now so perhaps next week will see me flying in the early afternoon.

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Rgr that :)

Thanks for the update ;)
Dave :)
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

A bit of a wasted flying day today (note to Hobby - I doubt we'll see too many more like today and yesterday, especially yesterday so get that thing of yours built so you can at least fly it without freezing to death!) :lol:

SWMBO said it was good flying weather when she came to bed off nights this morning. I looked out of the window 30mins later and it was raining :wall: It did eventually stop and warmed up quite nicely. By magic.. the schools around here seem to have had a half day today and by 2pm.. they were everywhere :rant:

2 good opportunities missed to try the Mustang again. In all fairness, I'd knicked the rcver and put it in the Walrus and never got round to installing the replacement. Done that this afternoon so it's now ready to go. I get an awful feeling it's gonna fall apart in the air but we shall see.

Cut a little bit of the battery box surround away on the SuperCub which is a bugger to get 1300's in then put the gear on and spent a while running it around the back garden.. much to the wifes annoyance :lol: Sadly.. my 1500's are just far too big so if I want to spend any time in it.. I guess I'm gonna have to get a couple more 1300's. I've 2 1300's I no longer trust leaving me with 1 :| Still.. the ailerons worked fine without the need to exercise the sticking RH servo. Pity I didn't get a chance to fly it :(

Been a bit suspicious that the Walrus was slower than it should be though happy to 'tag along' while I got used to it. I didn't calibrate the throttle/esc when fitting the receiver so it's my own fault. Did that this afternoon and I think I've gained a fair bit of missing 'top end' throttle. We shall see :)

Shoved all available batteries through both the Bixler and Walrus yesterday (Tue). What a smashing day.. perfect for practising rolls/loops and flying inverted which I rarely do (except in FS so there's no glue required if I hit the deck) :lol:

I fear a turn in the weather is due tomorrow :(

DaveB B)smk
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Not working today and thats the first time not working has coincided witth good flying weather for some time. Just took the Cub to the field. Had just less than a litre of petrol so enough to fill the tank :lol: A few others down there but just flying electric No one else brave enough until the corn is cut next week Its well over 8 feet tall and difficult to make your approach over it Touch down is near the middle of the strip and hope that enough speed bleeds off to stop before hitting the crop the other end. Two good flights completed both about 10 mins long Didnt bother with the camera as just too hazy
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hello Mate :hello:

No.. I don't think I've flown for ages.. long enough for me to be a little nervous at first launch yesterday morning :worried: Had the Bixler up first. Getting daring enough to do things I wouldn't have done this time last year :agree: Such a nice day I went and got the Walrus when I'd run out of Bixler batteries (although the Bixler will take all sizes I have). A bit concerned a Kite had taken a fancy to it so I kept out of it's way :lol:

A quick HU on txer batteries. I got a set from ebuyer last year (going cheap).. Duracell PowerPix.. and was amazed how long they lasted. I thought it was all down to the more modern electrics in the new trannie so when I changed them after 53 flights (the txer indicated 5.9v).. I expected similar from the Duracell 'Plus Power' I replaced them with. Not so. The Plus Power are showing 6.0v at startup and drop to 5.9v in short order.. this after 19 flights. I've a shed load of Plus Power I got last christmas when they were half price at Asda (exp 2019) so I'm not that fussed but when this lot run out (I still have enough for 6 trannie loads!).. I'll consider getting PowerPix again having lasted 8 months :)

Think I might get one of those keyring cameras for christmas. I seem to remember Eddie saying his was a #11 and that looked great :)

Dave B)smk
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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Not really fit to fly today, but at a loose end this afternoon so loaded the Mustang and the stryker into the car and set off to the strip No on else there, didnt think there would be, as by now it had started to rain Just got the Mustang out of the car and loaded in a 4 cell Not flown electric for a while as i need the challenge of the petrols :lol: but the electric models are perfect just for a quickie when the oportunity arises :rock:
Checked trannie was set to fms mustang and a quick check of the controls and the gear Taxi out and throttle up loads of right rudder and up and away keep her straight, gear up and a good shake down flight for 5 mins or so As usual I forgot to use the timer Dont really ever need one with the petrols as the tank will last way longer than you would ever want to fly, Didnt want to chance any longer, so downwind throttling back, bring her round gear down and nice and steady. Wind gusting now, good landing holding the tail down with the elevator Its raining good style now and winds quite strong so packed up and back home
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Nice one mate :thumbsup: I thought I was going to read you'd pranged it for a moment.. glad that wasn't the case :lol:

I left my mobile in one of the vans last night so got up early and drove to the store to get it before they got busy. Met one of the old boys who dog walk there in the morning and he said he thought it was good flying weather. I had my doubts but having made a cuppa and had a quick puff on the pipe.. I got the Bixler out of the shed and walked across the common armed with 2x1500's and the 1300 overlander. I'd hardly set foot on the footpath before the wind was trying to tug the model out of my hand. I went over anyway and launched. Much worse above the treeline. Let it get blown around for 5mins then landed. The wind was in control more than I was :lol:
The wx is supposed to be getting worse for a day or so now so I don't hold out much hope for the morning. It was starting to spit when I left work at 2000. Fingers crossed anyway ;)

I've got a couple of charge bags now.. a flat one and a box shaped one and have found the balance leads aren't long enough for comfort. Have ordered a 2S and 3S extension which should do the trick ;)
Dave :)
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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Hiya Mate :hello:
Glad you got a flight in even if it was a bit hairy
The short balance leads are the reason ive never bothered with a bag Still charging outside :(
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Well mate.. after your incident, I felt I had to do something. I've always been of the opinion 'it'll never happen to me' but the reality is.. these things DO go wrong.. just ask Boeing :lol: The balance lead extensions were cheap as chips and as I bought 2 leads, they combined postage and I saved a whole 70p ;) You can buy em individually or as a full set covering everything from 2S upwards. The full set works out cheaper overall but as I don't have anything above 3S, I saw no need to pay more to get the individual leads cheaper if that makes sense :)

Think I'm ready for something new to fly now :worried: :lol:

No.. I'm looking for a nice calm day so I can try the Walrus with it's newly calibrated ESC. I want to see it's wings do a '787' in tight turns :lol:

Dave :)
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by dodger »

Hi Gents,

I don't know if anyone has seen this,

Great flying with a great model,


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

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