Flying for Real..

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hiya Rog :hello:

I was working that day.. doing my best to aviod the A5 :lol:

A beautifully balanced model flown with a great deal of skill :rock:
DaveB B)smk
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by cstorey »

Hell's teeth ! Nearly as terrifying as the real thing, and very expertly flown

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hobby/James.. James/Hobby..

Any update on the model yet?? We're all here waiting.. well I am anyway :lol:

Beautiful morning today AND I'm not working so I took the Walrus out for half an hour :rock:

Quite fancy one of these.. ... source=EDM

I told the wife I'd bought it last night.. then admitted I hadn't :lol:
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by hobby »

Hi Dave

Well I am off later this afternoon for a five hour indoor flying session. Our indoor Club members fly shockies, helicopters and micro R/C aircraft in a hall the size of two basketball courts. The system runs like this: first 30 minutes in every hour is devoted to R/C shockies followed by 20 mins. for helicopters and multi rotor aircraft. We micro flyers have the last ten minutes in every hour - just about as long as my flight battery lasts in my Ares Tiger Moth. I shall also be flying a Nano Stik tonight.

No pictures at present.

Keeping up my daily practice on my Phoenix 4 R/C simulator.

No outdoor flying since 7th October due to weather sunny but very gusty in our neck of the woods.

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hello Mate :hello:

Well.. you certainly have the 'lingo' cracked. I've no idea what either a shockie or a Nano Stik are! :lol:

Great that you have somewhere indoor to fly. Our weather here is fickle at the best of times and having an alternative is great. For my part.. I go on either FS9 or FSX.. not the same is it :lol:

Thanks for the update :thumbsup:
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by hobby »

Hi Dave

"Shockies" are R/C electrically aircraft made of various types of foam and carbon fibre usually with a full complement of control surfaces designed to be flown indoors. They are capable of all types of aerobatics and when flown indoors in the company of other "shockies" resemble a shoal of fish in an aquarium. Many have loads of built in drag devices to aid slow flight. Quite entertaining to watch. There are some videos on Youtube under "3D aerobatics".

A " Nano Stik" is a small slow flying foam and carbon fibre designed for indoor flying. The aircraft comes with its own control box using 2.4 Meg technology, the controller is powered by four AA batteries and the aircraft has its own small flight battery which can be charged from a USB port or from the controller itself. The USB lead comes with the aircraft. The aircraft can be trimmed in flight but has only motor and rudder control so loops are out but stall turns and torque turns are available. You have to choose one of two colour schemes, red wings pus maltese crosses or green wings with British roundels. Flights of ten minutes can be achieved with a fully charged battery.

Another indoor aircraft that I fly is the Ares Tiger Moth, held together by magnets(!!) this aircraft is once again supplied with its own 2.4 Meg controller, USB charging lead. This time you have motor, elevator and rudder so aerobatics are possible. There is a larger flight battery than with the Nano Stik and with wise use of the throttle flights of about ten minutes can be made indoors.

Both of the latter aircraft are supplied by J P Perkins Distribution who do have videos of both aircraft on Youtube.

Best wishes.

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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hello Mate :hello:

Yes.. I presumed 'Shockies' were electric aircraft and I Googled the Nano Stik ;)

Really cool being able to fly indoors. Your Discovery will be a lot faster once you get it to the field but being able to practise indoors with the other models will be an excellent learning base for it :)

DaveB B)smk
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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Not much happening this neck of the woods Unexpectedly, a fine calm afternoon here. Could have got a few flights in on a model or two :rant:
Been looking at what would keep us busy over the next few monhts construction wise
Could be a biggish warbird :) ESM Hurricane would fit the bill nicely, but adding the kit, engine, retracts plus the other bits and pieces you would be looking at £800 plus :-O
Saw the new Seagull gypsy moth advertised recently Make a nice scale starter but would give me no better flyer than the big Cub Maybe one to think about in the future
Still have a hankering for a Jet , not a real turbine but a bigger than average ducted fan that "could" be converted to turbine if it suvived long enough to become proficient at flying it and funds allowed
Seen this on Hobbyking


Needs quite a lot of work to finish but quite a lot of model for your money Reviews say is good value and well made ( dont sound like hobbyking :lol: )
Not yet been offered a special once only price But for £131 maybe il just go for it
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

That's a nice looking model Dale :rock:

The Hurricane would be great. I want a Hurricane too and that includes FS. I wish to goodness RealAir would make one like their Spit. What a joy it'd be to have both :cpu: £800 for the model and associated bits is a lot of cash though isn't it. I'd be afraid to fly it :lol:

DaveB B)smk
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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Hiya Mate :hello:
Yeah its £350 for the kit plus around £200 for the motor retracts would set you back another 100 and then servos, reciever and what have you Likewise id be fearful of comiting that much cash to the air Size isnt so much an issue now after flying the Cub. Am angling after a 120 fourstroke for chrimbo which would fit in the gypsy moth just fine Was going to link a piccie of the model but its that new, seagull dont have it on their site yet and all google hits are aussie sites. A 6ft wingspan bipe should have a bit of presence. :lol: If i go for this viper jet I will fit it with flight stabilisation, mainly to help with the landings. A couple of the chaps on our strip fly with stabilisers, and they are able to fly very aerobatic models with comparative ease
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